Want Danielle Lam To Wish Your Mom A Happy Mother’s Day?
Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol will be giving special Mother’s Day
shout outs to folks who comment on today’s blog! Comment below!

In just days, Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol could give your mom, grandmom, aunt or any special woman in your life the best Mother’s Day present EVER. What’s that you ask? Why of course, it’s a personal MOTHER’S DAY SHOUT OUT from the Prize Patrol Elite member herself!
What’s a SHOUT OUT? I looked up the term at PCHSearch&Win and saw this definition: A brief expression of greeting or praise given especially on a broadcast or audio recording. What could be better than Danielle personally saying “hi” in a special video message right here on the PCH blog?
Here’s how to get your mom or special someone in the running
for this Mother’s Day SHOUT OUT!
It’s easy:
- Comment on the blog below by 11:59 PM, ET on May 7th.
- Tell us your name, the name of the person you want Danielle to “shout out” to, and the city and state where she lives.
- Write a little message to Danielle telling her why this woman is so special to you or perhaps a special memory you have of her. Include anything else you’d want Danielle to say in her shout out!
Once all the comments are in, we’ll randomly pick 3 people who commented on the blog and Danielle will make “shout outs” to them in a special video on the PCHblog this Friday, May 10th!
Tell Us You Want Danielle To Give Your Mother A Shout Out!
Before Danielle Lam of the PCH Prize Patrol can give your mom, grandmom, aunt or any special woman in your life a personal shout out, you have to do your part and COMMENT BELOW. By commenting below, you are giving Danielle permission to say your names in the upcoming video. Then be sure to check back on the PCHblog this Friday to see Danielle’s special video!
Can’t wait to read all the comments!
Elliott M.
PCH Creative
P.S. Maybe you’re a mother and you want Danielle to give YOU a shout-out! Well that counts too! Just be sure to comment below!