Want The PCH Prize From TV? Let Lucky The Big Check Know!

Blog readers – I’m so excited, I’m getting red in the face! Does this happen to you, too?!?
As a PCH Big Check, I’m used to being the center of attention, but gosh, as soon as I put on the new $1,000.00 A Day For Life PCH Prize from TV the compliments just haven’t stopped coming … and my pay line gets rosier and rosier the closer we get to Prize Day!
I don’t mean to click my own pen but really, I’ve heard it all … everything from “Wow, your green border really shines with that new prize on” … to “Lucky, your zeros look sooo curvy!” Ohh, I’d love to see a winner’s face if I show up wearing this Prize for sure! Still though, I’ve gotta wonder … since we’ve never given away a prize this size before, does it really look as good as all the others I’ve worn before?!? Please let me know!
Would you want to be the FIRST EVER $1,000.00 a Day For Life Prize Winner?
Just like you’ve seen on TV, the prize checks would start on 10/13 and continue on day after day for life! That means in a year, you’d have $365,000.00 Dollars … in two years you’d have $730,000.00 … in three years you’d have $1,095,000.00 … and so on. The zeros would keep on going … and I’m sure those daily checks would really come in handy!
But would you be HAPPY if I showed up at your door?
Now, we’ve had lots of winners who have been happy to WIN … but I want to know, Blog Readers, would you be happy to see ME? Would you hold me tight … jump up and down … cry, scream and pose with me for lots of photos on Prize Day? Believe it or not, it takes a lot of work to get these zeros to look bouncy and my seal to shine bright, so I’d love to hear that if you win, you’d appreciate seeing me wearing the PCH Prize from TV almost as much as you’d love taking the little check the Prize Patrol would give you on a ride to the bank.
Just one more question… and it’s the most important one… Have YOU Been Entering?
We’re running out of time for you to enter to win the PCH Prize From TV – $1,000.00 A Day For Life – so please enter as often as you can! Oh, and I almost forgot. I’ve got a buddy who lives in the PCH App (his nickname is “Two-Ex Tex” but he’s been happily married for many years, go figure!) – and he told me that when you play, you get 2X Entries to Win $1,000.00 A Day For Life EVERY SINGLE DAY! PLUS, if you win and show the Prize Patrol that you have the App on Prize Day, we’ll give you an EXTRA $1,000,000.00! Imagine, I could wear TWO prizes on prize day … wouldn’t that be awesome?!?
I’m so excited that, for me, Prize Day can’t come fast enough … but the faster it comes, the less opportunities to enter you’ll get, so please – don’t waste a second! Go get as many entries as you can to Win the PCH Prize from TV before time runs out – and you could be seeing me at your door in no time!
Good Luck!
Lucky Windfall
PCH Big Check