We Have a Winner in the $10,000.00 Keep the Faith Sweepstakes!

Greetings, fans and friends,
Last week, my fellow blogger Rebecca told you all about a super-exciting prize, PCH’s $10,000.00 Keep The Faith Sweepstakes. And today we’re scheduled to announce the lucky winner of this guaranteed prize!
We’re calling it the Keep The Faith Sweepstakes because, with all this craziness going on in the world right now, it’s important to keep the faith. To recognize that we’re all in this together. That it’s important to still have fun. To keep hope alive.
When it comes to staying “in it to win it,” PCH fans certainly have been keeping the faith. And Publishers Clearing House is here to keep on delivering fun, hope and opportunities to win BIG cash prizes – just like this one!
“Are you still delivering this prize?” I hear you asking. You betcha! Publishers Clearing House was, is, and always will be “the House Where Dreams Come True.” We’re just fulfilling those dreams a little differently than we have in the past! The winner has been selected and this person is definitely going to receive their $10,000.00 prize. As for the winning moment, we’ve got a plan, but we don’t want to spoil the surprise just yet. One way or another, the PCH Prize Patrol will make this winner $10,000.00 richer!
In case you’re a little doubtful about this, let me say it again: a $10,000.00 Keep The Faith Sweepstakes winner has be selected, the prize will be delivered, and we WILL award it … you have our promise.
We want you all to know that in both good times and bad, PCH is here for you, with fun, FREE, fabulous Sweepstakes you can enjoy from the comfort of your home. When it comes to opportunities to win FREE money, there’s no place like our “House”!
Good luck, keep the faith, and most of all, stay safe!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative