Welcome Giveaway Number 4900!

Last Updated: March 13, 2015

Giveaway Number 4900

Our PCH Giveaway Number 3080 just ended in a blaze of glory — with the award of our THIRD “Forever” Prize to overjoyed winner Tamar Howard of Silas, Alabama! As per strict Official Rules, we finally had to retire good ol’ Giveaway Number 3080, which in its time, was the giveaway that just kept on giving! So long, dear number!

But never fear: our NEW Giveaway Number 4900 just picks up where #3080 left off. It’s all charged up with massive prize funds and rarin’ to go …

In fact it could make you a $7,000 A Week For Life Winner in just a few short weeks during our April 30th Special Early Look prize event! It takes a mighty new Giveaway #4900 to back up a huge prize like that!

Giveaway #4900

So if you’re wondering about what happened to Giveaway #3080 … and why you’re seeing Giveaway #4900 in your emails or classic mail Bulletins these days, that’s the story! And don’t you worry: even if a giveaway number has to end, the winning will never end here at Publishers Clearing House!

Now it’s time for you to put Giveaway #4900 to work for YOU – every day – and enter to win our humongous $7,000 A Week For Life next month. You can do that on pch.com, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames and PCHlotto – there are so many fun ways to enter at PCH.

Here’s hoping you’ll keep the faith and keep entering our sweepstakes …

PCH Creative

P.S. Won’t you give Giveaway Number 4900 a warm welcome by saying “HI” in the comments below!

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