What Does Being “SET FOR LIFE” Mean To You? We’d Love To Know!

Last Updated: September 11, 2015


Have you ever taken the time to look up at a perfectly blue sky to watch the clouds floating by? Doesn’t it make you feel incredibly free? You can let your imagination roam wild and feel as though you don’t have a care in the world and nothing to weigh you down.

Ready? Now picture the PCH Prize Patrol van pulling up to your home to deliver a BIG check — holding balloons, a bouquet of roses, and champagne to help you celebrate your incredible good fortune!

Set for Life

Come on … let your imagination really go wild with thoughts of a really Huge Prize. Imagine you’ve just become the “SET FOR LIFE” winner in our Special Early Look prize event on October 23rd! The PCH Prize Patrol would be there to tell you in person that you’ve just won SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS EVERY SINGLE WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! Imagine the incredible sense of security and freedom that would bring to YOUR life and to the lives of your loved ones!

We would love to know, “What does “Set For Life” mean to you?” Is it waking up every day knowing that you’ve got the money coming in every week to take care of every bill coming in? Is it having the money to finally get rid of the debt hanging over your shoulders? Is it the ability to help out family members and friends in need? Or would you spend it on travel and entertainment, and just enjoy yourself?

First Things First
Obviously, what most of us would do right away is to pay off that pile of bills. Get out from under the weight of worrying about getting out of debt. What a great feeling to wipe the slate clean and start out fresh again!

But then what?
This big prize of $7,000.00 A Week For Life would certainly be a life changer, with plenty of money coming in every week so you could pay off your bills AND have plenty left over to do whatever you please. So, what is your personal dream like, the one where you finally have that kind of financial freedom? What does “SET FOR LIFE” mean to you? Please let us know in the comments section below! And, of course, be sure to enter to WIN!

Jane M.
PCH Creative Dept.

P.S. And don’t forget to enter to win, both online and through the mail! You should do it every chance you get online at our websites like pch.com, PCHSearch&Win, PCHGames, PCHlotto, PCHFrontpage and more. Don’t miss out on so many opportunities to change your life — for the rest of your life!

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