What Does PCH Mean By “Special Early Look”? Find Out Here!

You may have seen this phrase in the mail or online when we describe a particular Prize Event, like our upcoming $7,000.00 A Week For Life prize scheduled to be awarded on April 27th. And some of you may have questions. That’s why I’m here today to help take the mystery out of what we mean by “Special Early Look”.
I’m sure your biggest question might be, “What does it mean for me?” Let me help break it down for you.
If you’ve been entering faithfully for your chance to win big in a specific Giveaway that mentions “Special Early Look” in the promotion, and you’ve been returning your entry forms on time, or entering online, you will have validated your SuperPrize numbers from these entries. These numbers then become part of the Winner Selection List here at PCH for that particular Giveaway.
On drawing day (soon before the award date), a winning number is randomly selected from the Winning Number Generator. That’s when our Sweepstakes Administration department takes a “Special Early Look” to see if there’s a matching winning number among all the timely returned entries. If there is, that lucky entrant wins the top prize for the event.
If there is no match to the winning number, the primary prize amount (in this case, $7,000.00 A Week For Life) will not be awarded, as stated in the Official Rules. However, for this particular giveaway we will conduct a second chance drawing to award an alternate prize amount instead. That’s what makes PCH so unique! On April 27th we STILL guarantee to award a huge $1,000,000.00 Prize in a random drawing to an entrant with an assigned prize number on the Winner Selection List!
Unlike the state lottery, where there’s never a winner when there’s no matching number, PCH makes sure we give away a Millionaire-making prize, so that we always have a winner, no matter what. That’s why we can say with absolute certainty that our newest PCH Millionaire will be named in just a matter of weeks!
I hope this helps to clear the air a little. The bottom line is that if you want to be in it to win it, you’ve got to send in those entries so that your unique prize number(s) are added to the Winner Selection List and are in the running to win either $7,000.00 A Week For Life or $1,000,000.00.
Don’t Miss Out. Enter As Often As You Can!
This is good news for our fans who really want to win. By incorporating “Special Early Look” events into our ongoing giveaways, we end up with many more big winners than we would have had otherwise. More special early look events throughout the year mean even more winners, and even more dreams coming true!
All you need to do is to enter, enter, enter! Do it through the mail you receive and on all of our fun sites like PCH.com, PCHSearch&Win, PCHlotto and others! Why not start right now by clicking the “Enter Now” button you’ll see in the upper right-hand corner of this page!
Best of luck to you all!
Jane M.
PCH Creative