What to Search for This Month?

Last Updated: April 1, 2019

April is upon us. I know, we can still see winter in the rearview mirror, the chilly wind isn’t all gone yet; but I promise, summer is coming! For now, let’s make the best of April! I don’t know about you, but when I think about April I think about rain.

I love being prepared and I want to help you get prepared for the April showers too, so let’s do this together! Let’s get a little checklist going. 

Umbrella– CHECK

Rain Boots– Ahhh? 

Now that’s an issue. I do have rain boots but they’re yellow and honestly, I think that I might have outgrown them. It’s time for some big girl rain boots. I need rain boots that would match every outfit just in case April showers decide to visit often this year. Luckily, I also know exactly where to look. I’ll just hop on PCHsearch&win and you can too! Maybe you want some yellow rain boots, or some cute rain boots for the kids. Hey, maybe you don’t want rain boots at all. You might be looking for something more stylish that is waterproof. Regardless of what it is, you can find it all at PCHsearch&win and you may snag a deal too! We love a good deal! 

Rain Jacket– CHECK

I absolutely love my trench coat. Besides being waterproof and all that, its warm! Just in case you need a rain coat or you’re tired of the old look and want something new, check out PCHsearch&win and find something that is perfect for you! Want some advice? Make sure it goes well with your rainboots! 

Rain Hat– CHECK

Hey, you never want to mess up a new hair-do. 

A Sunny Mindset– CHECK

Most importantly, on rainy days I hope that you’re able to have a sunny mindset. Yes, I know it’s easier said than done but we can all try a little harder! Here’s some advice that I found when I searched ways to stay positive on PCHsearch&win. Leave uplifting messages to yourself. Nobody knows you better than you, so what do you want to hear the most. Write it on Post-its and stick them everywhere, make it the wallpaper on your phone or on your computer. Read books that encourage and guide you. Actively try to stay positive under pressure. The rain really puts a hatchet on your day from time to time, so let’s try to think summer! 

There’s one more thing happening that I’ll be an April’s fool for not to let you know! Every time you search on PCHsearch&win you have the chance to win! Your first search of the day (after you log on) will allow you to enter for a chance to win the PCH $7,000.00 A Week For Life we’re ready to award on April 26. Besides that, there are always prizes to be won when you search at PCHsearch&win.

If I forgot to put something my checklist let me know in the comments section! Also, tell me what you enjoy doing on rainy days. I could always use some good cheering up when it’s pouring outside. 

Your girl, 
Tamara G.

PCH Creative Intern