What Would be YOUR Reaction to Winning One Million Dollars?

Last Updated: August 27, 2015

Why do I ask? Well …


That’s right, there’s a “Big Check” already made out for One Million Dollars, and it could be going to you on August 31st (if you entered on time, of course!)

How would you react? If you won the One Million Dollar prize in just a few days, would you scream like some of our past winners?  Would you stand stock-still in disbelief like others? Would you cry – or jump up and down?  Tell us!

What would you say?  “Is this for real?” or “Thank you, Lord!” like a lot of our new millionaires?  Or would you yell for your spouse, child, grandchild or friend to come to the door, to get a witness to your amazing good fortune?

Close your eyes and imagine with me: it’s Monday morning or afternoon.  You hear a vehicle pulling up outside the house. Steps coming up the walkway.  The doorbell rings or there’s a knock on the door.  You open it and see a scene like this:


Describe to us right now how YOU would react to amazing news like this!

Our Prize Patrol is ready to deliver – in three days – don’t disappoint us!

Here’s hoping they’ll be paying YOU a visit on Monday …
PCH Creative