What Would Be Your Top 5 Splurges?

Last Updated: May 13, 2019

Do you love lists? I do! And it’s more than just knowing what’s on a list; it’s also making my own and seeing how it compares with others. More than anything, lists tend to spur our imaginations. For example, how would you respond to, “The top 5 superpowers I’d want are…”

In fact, people love lists so much that here are the top 5 reasons why people love lists:

  1. Lists are popular – let’s face it, we love lists like “top 5 movies of the 1980s” or “Beyonce’s top 5 dance moves”
  2. Lists can relieve stress and help us focus; e.g., a daily to-do list
  3. Lists help us remember things
  4. Lists provide motivation and reward – the only thing better than getting to whatever is next on a list is finishing a list (think: enjoying a beer after the yardwork is done)
  5. Lists help people organize; e.g., shopping list, guest list, bucket list, etc.

And there’s the list nearly every one of us has dreamed about since we were kids,

What would I buy if money were no object?

Believe it or not, but a recent study* asked more than 50 millionaires exactly that question! Want to know what they said? Here are the top 5 most-mentioned millionaire splurges:

  1. Travel
  2. Food/eating out
  3. Cars
  4. Wine
  5. Clothes

These five made up a full 75 percent of all mentions and the top two – travel and food/eating out – made up 57 percent of all mentions. Did any of those make your list of top 5 splurges?

White truffles easily can cost upward of $3,000 per pound!

Of course, there were quite a few other splurges mentioned by the millionaires, including:
• Art/art supplies
• Bikes
• Boats
• Books
• Concerts
• Dark chocolate
• Firearms
• Gardening
• Golf
• Home
• Motorcycles
• Outdoor gear
• Skiing
• Sporting events
• Sports
• Tech
• Watches

Now, we’ve always said that PCH fans have the biggest hearts because of how many think about helping others before helping themselves. However, these are responses from real millionaires who apparently don’t have to worry about running out of money! In fact, one millionaire responded, “I love traveling. I spend about $45K a year just on trips” while another said they “don’t blink at spending $250/person for a meal every couple of months.”

What would be your top 5 splurges? Let your mind really wander. What are those things about which you used to say, “if I ever had the money to do …”? How do your top 5 splurges compare to the millionaires’? Tell us in the Comments and share/compare with other PCH fans!

Want a chance to make those splurges happen? Then you know what to do! Find every opportunity, every day to claim an entry to win $25,000 A Month for Life from Publishers Clearing House! In the first year, a winner would take home $300,000.00 – easily enough to get you started on your top 5 splurges!

Russell S.
PCH Creative

P.S. I’ll get the ball rolling with my top 5 splurges.

  1. Cars (specifically, Ferrari)
  2. Vacation home (private island would be nice, too!)
  3. Music (audio equipment, concert tickets, etc.)
  4. Food (expensive ingredients like saffron, white truffles, etc.)
  5. Sports memorabilia

*The Secret Splurges of Millionaires. ESI Money [Internet]. 2019 March 5 [cited 2019 May 14].