What Would Be Your “Winning Moment” Theme Song?

The Wizard of Oz’s “Over the Rainbow” … Saturday Night Fever’s “Stayin’ Alive” … “Moon River” from Breakfast at Tiffany’s – these theme songs are as unforgettable as the movies themselves! And TOMORROW, you could become the star of your own personal blockbuster, if the Prize Patrol comes to your door with $1,000,000 Plus $1,000 A Week For Life that is guaranteed to be awarded. What Winning Moment Theme Song would you choose if you received the Big Check?
Or for sheer Winning Moment bliss, you can’t beat THIS hit:
This classical chorus from Handel’s “Messiah” would be perfect for tomorrow’s Winning Moment:
Not the song you’d choose if you’re tomorrow’s winner? Hmmmm ….
These are only suggestions! If you are the big winner of tomorrow’s guaranteed Win It All Prize, YOU would be the star of your own exciting “Winning Moment Movie.” There you’d be with the cameras rolling and the Prize Patrol handing you roses, balloons and a BIG Check. What would be YOUR Winning Moment “happy dance” Theme Song if you were to win $1,000,000 at once PLUS $1,000 A Week For Life? (Let’s not forget the brand new Ford Explorer valued at $55,530.00 tomorrow’s winner will also receive.)
As a PCH employee, I can’t enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes … but if I did, and I won, I might pick “When You Wish Upon a Star” from Disney’s Pinocchio as my Winning Moment Theme Song … or maybe Frank Sinatra singing “Young at Heart” (Fairy tales can come true, they can happen to youuuuu …). But this is NOT about me – it’s all about YOU.
Tell us your Winning Moment Movie theme song in the “Comments” section below!
At this point, our Prize Patrol knows the identity of tomorrow’s big winner, and they’re hitting the road, set to deliver that Big Check — maybe to your house if you’ve entered.
And we’ve got another SuperPrize award “in the works” already. As always, to make any PCH Winning Moment dream come true, you’ve got to enter … Enter … ENTER every chance you can. Click this link to find out all the fast, fun easy ways to do it! Every cent of the $387 Million in prizes PCH has awarded over the years was paid to people who took the time to enter — if there’s a “secret to winning” at Publishers Clearing House, THAT’S it.
So, stay tuned to see to see who’s the star of tomorrow’s PCH Winning Moment — it could be you! No matter what, take the moment now to get in today’s entry.
With musical winning best wishes …