What Would You Do If YOU Were Set For Life?

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Hey PCH Blog friends!

Hopefully by now you’ve heard about our upcoming SuperPrize, $7,000 A Week For Life!  That’s quite a hefty amount that’ll pay out week after week!  I can’t even imagine what that would really feel like, but I think the best way to sum it up is that you’d be SET FOR LIFE!


Can you imagine what it would be like?  Not having to worry about anything?  Your bills would always be paid on time! You wouldn’t have to worry about cutting out coupons or trying to find the best deals! You could buy whatever presents your family subtly hints at!  The possibilities are endless!

For me, being Set For Life would mean living life at my own pace.  You know what I mean?  There are just some days you want to relax and take it easy…but of course it is on those days that the reality is “go-go-go!”  And then there are days where I like being busy, but my body (or tired brain!) just doesn’t want to cooperate!  So being Set For Life means I can just do what I feel like doing, WHEN I feel like doing it!

The other day, I decided to walk around the PCH offices and ask some of my fellow co-workers what they would do if they were “Set For Life.”  Why don’t you watch this video and hear what they had to say?!


Ha-ha!  Well of course my fellow PCH employees can’t win the big SuperPrize (darn it!), but it was fun to make this video.  Nick says he wishes he didn’t have to work so many hours!  Man, I know how he feels!  Working so much really takes a lot out of you!  Then there’s Nicole, and her plans for world travel.  That’s something that I’m sure a lot of you out there would probably do if YOU won the $7,000 A Week For Life SuperPrize!  I’m really jealous I didn’t think of Bryan’s idea of just sitting on a porch!  Now that’s ambition! 😉  And how about Val and his rocket pack plans, huh?  His idea was so funny, I had to see if I could try and help him make it true…well, in video form at least!

As I’ve written this blog, I’ve had a lot of fun thinking about this question.  I can’t wait to see who will be our next Publishers Clearing House winner, so we can find out what THEY’LL do with their new life!

-Matt K
PCH Creative

P.S. Oh yeah, so what would YOU do if you were Set For Life?  Your answer can be as crazy as you want!  Think BIG!