What Would You Do With $7,000 A Week For Life?

Last Updated: September 21, 2015

Hello, my blog-reading friends!

As you know, we’re authorized to award an incredible SET FOR LIFE prize on October 23rd$7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE!

$7,000 a week for life

So tell us … when you fantasize about winning this prize …  what do you fantasize about doing with your prize winnings?

dream home brand new cardebt freefree vacation gourmet chef piles of cash

Would any of these wonderful things be part of your “dream prize dream”?
Good!  Because if you win our $7,000 A Week For Life prize in just a few weeks, every one of them could come true!

Now remember folks, it’s possible that we might not have a matching number for this “win for life” prize when we take the special early look. But in that case, instead of giving away NOTHING, we’ll go to a to a second place drawing where we guarantee to award the winner $1,000,000.  I’m sure you would agree – A MILLION DOLLARS would go a long way toward making anyone’s dream come true!

So, stop dreaming – and log on to pch.com, PCHSearch&Win, PCHFrontpage, PCHlotto or PCHGames and enter today.

I bet you have your own special dreams about the Prize YOU’D like to win – maybe something we’d never even dreamt of!

TELL US in the Comments section below.  And whatever you do, make sure you enter!


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