What’s It Like to Be Part of the PCH Family?
There’s an old saying that imparts this wisdom – choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. I’m not sure that’s entirely true, but I do know that having a workplace where people not only share ideas, but also care about and have compassion for each other sure makes it easier to get out of bed in the morning!
The truth is, PCH always has been a family company and the links between past and present are visible everywhere.
Around the office, there are quite a few “legacy” PCHers, including Creative Director Amanda C. and Copywriter Will F., whose grandmother and grandfather, respectively, worked at PCH. Another example is brothers Joe N. (Assistant Vice President of Interactive Development) and Pete N. (Head Web Designer), both of whom grew up with a love for PCH as their mother worked here for 30 years.

I’ve been with PCH for just over two years now, and already feel like several coworkers have become part of my extended family. I’m also constantly amazed by the longevity of so many PCHers – those celebrating anniversaries of 20 years, 30 years, and more! One shining example is Kathy T., who is celebrating her 50th anniversary with PCH this month!

Still just a teenager when she started at PCH, Kathy has – literally – seen it all! Some of her fondest memories include a long ago annual PCH event called “Corn Day” (when dozens of PCHers shucked hundreds of ears of corn for a company cookout) and one winter evening when the pond in front of the office had frozen over. PCHers enjoyed an after-work ice skating party complete with hot chocolate and cider!

More than anything, Kathy reminds us that PCHers are sometimes real family, and oftentimes, part of the family we never knew we had.
“That’s one of the things that’s kept me here,” she recently told me. “People are always together, sharing things, laughing, and supporting each other through good times and bad. Knowing the people you see in the hallways every day makes us a stronger force. And always having people around to lend a hand makes for a happier workplace.”
You said it, Kathy, and I’m sure we all agree!
All the best, from the PCH Family to Yours,
Russell S.
PCH Creative