What’s your “WINspiration”?

Last Updated: February 23, 2015

7,000 A Week For Life

You might be saying: “Why would anyone even ASK such a question?!” ”

BUT!! When any of our many big winners are asked, “What do you plan to do with the prize money?” they almost always have an answer readysomething that inspired them to keep the faith and keep on entering –– until they WON!

So, with a big $7,000 A Week For Life SuperPrize authorized for award in our Special Early Look prize event next month, we’re asking:

“What’s YOUR “WINspiration” for entering to win?”

Dream Vacation

Dream House

Debt Free

Favorite charity

These are just guesses … only YOU can tell us what your own personal “WINspiration” for entering to win Publishers Clearing House prizes –– including a life-changing SuperPrize scheduled for award next month!

$7,000 A Week For Life

Are you going to “go for it” to join all the PCH Sweepstakes winners who kept the faith and kept on entering – until it paid off big time??

Tell us what YOUR inspiration is – by dropping us a line in the “Comments” section below.  Then, enter as often and any way you can.  Soon, you could be telling your story with the TV cameras rolling — and while holding a “Big Check” for $7,000 A Week For Life!

Stay inspired!


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