When A Winning Opportunity Knocks, Will You Answer the Door?

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Will you “answer” our winning opportunity and enter at pch.com?

I believe in the power of believing. Let me tell you why. A few months ago, very abruptly, I became unemployed. If you’ve ever lost your job, especially one you’ve held a long time, you know how devastating it can be.

But once the dust settles, you start to see clearly. I soon realized that unemployment was my opportunity for something better! It was an empowering thought. But believing in myself was just the first step. The next was jumping on every chance I got to change my fortunes. “When opportunity knocks, answer the door!

Long story short, after weeks of scouring job sites, following up networking leads, and, strange as it sounds, doodling “$$$$” on everything, my dream job turned into a reality: I was hired to write blogs for Publishers Clearing House! The home of mega-$$$$ opportunities!

What does my good fortune have to do with you? Only that, just as I did, you too can use the power of believing to change your life. But there’s a catch. If you’re reading this, chances are you dream about winning the Win $1,000,000.00 Plus $5,000.00 A Week for Life Mega Prize from Publishers Clearing House. You see yourself being presented with a Big Check by our famous Prize Patrol! You know exactly what you’d spend the money on.

But if you don’t submit an entry, what do you think will happen? That’s right: absolutely nothing!

Sometimes, when you believe an impossible dream and move toward making it real, miraculous things can happen. Just think: if the Wright brothers hadn’t believed in their dream, the airplane might never have been invented! Same with the television, the PC, the cell phone. Someone believed…and subsequently achieved. And you could, too.

At PCH, real cash and real prizes are won daily by real living, breathing people! Look at our first-ever “Forever” Prize winner, John Wyllie of White City, Oregon! When “opportunity knocks” John answered the door. He entered to win our sweeps relentlessly. He never gave up. And finally, on August 31st, 2012, his dream came true: John became the winner of our life-changing $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize, because he didn’t just dreamed — he acted!

Do you believe a big prize – maybe even a MEGA Prize — could be in your future? Will you answer the door if opportunity knocks? Well, opportunity IS knocking! Go to PCH.com and take advantage of all of our winning opportunities, today and every day. Don’t hesitate, because on November 30th, the Prize Patrol will definitely be bringing a Big Check to somebody’s door — and that somebody could be YOU!

Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it! And may the $$$$ be with you!

Joyce W.
PCH Online Creative