Where Would YOU Like to Move?
The media – not to mention some ambitious real estate brokers – are already talking about where the nation’s First Family will move when President Obama vacates 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – better known as the White House — in early 2017. Will they move back to Chicago from where they came? Or relocate to New York? Or California? Or Hawaii? Or will they stay in Washington, DC, where they have a lot of friends (subject to change based on next November’s election results)? Might they also acquire a vacation place in Martha’s Vineyard or some other desirable spot? With a reported millions of dollars to spend, the Obamas will have the luxury of going anywhere they want.
Want to know who else could move anywhere he or she wants? YOU – if you win one of our huge SuperPrizes worth millions of dollars. Especially our “Double The Cash” prize worth $10,000 every single week for life (that’s twice our standard weekly lifetime prize).
Maybe you’d love to relocate — to a different climate or to a recreational area or to a place close to loved ones. Maybe you’d like to live at the water’s edge, or on a golf course, or in a city close to sports or cultural attractions. Go for it!
On the other hand, maybe you’d like to stay right where you are – because it’s where you grew up, or where you have lots of family and friends, or where you have a job or business that you want to keep even if you have a giant bank account. That’s just fine. With a lifetime of financial security assured you can do just that – but maybe move to nicer “digs.”
The point is: the “Double The Cash” prize from Publishers Clearing House would provide a winner with all kinds of possibilities – like an early or more comfortable retirement, like helping loved ones or favorite charities financially, like a peace of mind never thought possible.
As a founding member of the PCH Prize Patrol I’ve seen over a thousand dreams come true – for people who saw us on TV and said to themselves: “Man! I would sure love to have them knock on my door — with roses, balloons and a Big Check!”
If that describes you, do what these winners did: they entered the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every chance they got.
Entering now could be the start of a really moving experience for you!

Wishing you the best of luck.
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador
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