Who Won Publishers Clearing House Prizes in May?

Last Updated: June 8, 2022

Greetings, fans and friends,

You know what they say … “April showers bring May flowers.” And we’ve certainly had winners blooming this month … winners in all sizes, shapes and colors … a wonderful “garden” of winners sprouting checks and gift cards in all amounts!

So, who won Publishers Clearing House in May? Who are these lucky PCH winners? They’re real people who stayed in it to win it – going for prizes at PCHlotto, PCHfrontpage, PCHkeno, PCHSearch&Win, and our other fun, FREE and fabulous sites!

Want proof? Just take a look at this list of our fans and friends who won terrific Publishers Clearing House prizes in May:

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Let’s give these PCH winners a round of applause! It just goes to show you there are so many ways to enter and so many ways to win!

Speaking of ways to win, have you been entering to win our $5,000.00 A Week For Life prize event? This incredible lifetime prize is authorized to be awarded on June 30th – so now is the time to get those entries in! Even if there is no match to the winning number drawn for the lifetime prize, then we’ll hold a second chance random drawing from among all the eligible entries and award a $1,000,000.00 prize – guaranteed! Either way, someone will become a PCH Millionaire! Are you ready to become a millionaire in just weeks?

In the meantime, there are so many prizes to go for every single day, so “May” we suggest that if you want to see your name on June’s Month in Winning list, then enter every day in every way you can!

Thank you, all, for making PCH part of your day! And as always, please stay happy, healthy and safe!

Debbie K.
PCH Creative