Who’s the First Person You’d Call If You Won $2,500.00 A Week “Forever”?

Well friends and fans, TOMORROW, OCTOBER 26TH is the big day — someone is definitely going to win $2,500.00 A Week “Forever”! Are you as excited as I am to find out who’s winning this HUGE lifetime income? Especially since, if you’ve gotten in to win, there’s as good a chance as any that it could be YOU the Prize Patrol visits tomorrow!
In the past, I’ve always suggested to our loyal blog readers that it’s wise to be prepared for the winning moment! In all the excitement (and if you’ve checked out our past Winning Moments, you know just how frenetic the energy is!), it can be easy to lose track of what’s going on if you don’t have a game plan going in. So, the question I pose to you today is who would you call first if the Prize Patrol came knocking at your door tomorrow?
Some First Call Suggestions …
Now hopefully, you, your friends, and your family will be tuned-in to our very special edition of Inside PCH tomorrow, and will watch the $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” Prize Winning Moment live! Anyone watching, of course, would get to see your excitement for themselves should you win, and witnessing that happen in the moment would sure be something special (like witnessing Hamilton performed live on Broadway)! But you’d still have some people you’d want to include in your special moment!
The person on the top of your list is most likely your husband, wife, or other partner. After all, they’re more than likely to benefit from your lifestyle change. Since the Prize Patrol will show up on Friday afternoon, you might be at work and your partner might not be there with you, so getting them in the know with a quick call would be a great way to start their weekend!
But if you’re retired or you and your partner just happen to be home tomorrow, someone else you could call would be your intended beneficiary! The coolest thing about the $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” prize is that not only would you get weekly cash for life, but after that, someone YOU CHOOSE would continue to receive a lifetime of weekly cash in the same amount.
So, who would you choose? A lot of people would select their kid or grandkid to be the beneficiary, and that’s a great first person to call! Could you imagine their screams, jumping up and down, as you tell them that their future is secure? Now, if you’re like me and don’t have kids, that’s not an option. If I won $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” (and I cannot), I would probably leave it to one of my younger cousins, but the principle is the same!
Every time something big happens in my life, I call the same person first — my dear mom! So, if you’re fortunate enough to have them still around, there’s probably no one who would be happier for you than your parents, so why not pick them!
Best friends, siblings, ex-employers (I STRONGLY advise against that one) — who are you calling first?
Let us know in the comments below!
PCH Creative