Why Stay In It? One Of You Could Be The Winner Next!

Hello to all of you fans on the day after Christmas, and a few days after our latest lucky winner was surprised by the Prize Patrol with a huge millionaire-making prize. After all the excitement and fun of the holidays, and the prize award, now is a good time to recoup, regain your strength and look toward the future. And what better way to inspire you all than with a comment that was posted by one of our very own blog readers, who said: “Why stay in it? One of you could be the winner next!”
In other words, now is the time that you should look ahead with hope toward the New Year. And our next big SuperPrize in the coming year really is something to look forward to! It’s our $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize and it’s GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED on February 28th! This is a big one folks. Too big to be ignored. Now’s your chance to go for a lifetime prize that keeps on giving week after week for the winner and then, after that, for the lifetime of someone they choose.
What It Takes To Stay In It
All you need to stay in it is a timely entry. Someone has to win it … why not you? How long does it take? A few minutes? A few seconds to push a button? Lick an envelope? Transfer a sticker? With a little persistence, it could be anyone who enters, anyone who keeps the faith and stays in it to win it, who gets a knock on the door from the PCH Prize Patrol on February 28th.
Follow The Advice Of Our Past PCH Prize Winners and STAY POSITIVE!
Take it from some of our past winners who know a thing or two about how persistence can REALLY pay off. One of our $1 Million winners, Rosemary Cella, told us she had been entering for about ten years, both online and through the mail. And how did she keep her hopes up all those years? “I just kept doing it. How long does it take, ten minutes maybe? You know, so we’re on the computer … just do it! Put a stamp on … mail it. You’re always going to the post office or the mailbox. It’s easy! Why not do it? And what kind of advice does she have for anyone who wants to win? She says, “Don’t give up! Don’t give up the ship. Keep believing it, that someday it will happen … like it happened to us!”
Today’s Another Day … And It’s Filled With Opportunities For YOU!
It’s only natural that from time to time we may need some encouragement to “keep the faith” and to keep entering. So, to all of you winning hopefuls, please remember to STAY POSITIVE and to never give up on your dream! The bottom line is, you’ve got to stay in it to win it, and we give you so MANY ways to do just that. Any timely entry — whether at pch.com, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames, through the mail or on any one of our other fun properties — could make you our next winner. The PCH Prize Patrol will definitely award $5,000 A Week “Forever” on February 28th – so be sure to enter every day and any way you can!
Jane M.
PCH Creative