Will You Be Our $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize Valentine?

Roses are red, my dears,
Violets are blue.
But winning is sweet, so here’s …
What you must do.
Click on this link, my dears
And enter today,
For in days our “Forever” Prize
Will be given away.
And with it those weekly checks
Of $5,000 For Life …
That continue for someone dear,
A child, husband or wife?
Financial security
For as long as you live
Then for the life of your own true love,
What a present to give!
Chocolate is nice, my friends
Pretty cards, roses too,
But it’s a fabulous “Forever” prize
We’d like to give you.
Just six days to enter now,
You’ve got to do it each day.
And in case you are wondering how
This link shows all the ways …
$5,000.00 A Week, my dears,
On and on, the checks come.
And you’d be a millionaire
When all’s said and done.
So, will you be our Valentine?
We’re counting on you!
Enter now, it won’t cost a dime …
And your dreams could come true.
Happy Valentine’s Day, from our House to Yours!