Will The PCH Big Check Be Meeting YOU On Prize Day?

Last Updated: August 25, 2017

Hey Blog Readers,

It’s me, your pal Lucky Windfall, the PCH Big Check and I’m getting ready to go out on the road to deliver a life-changing fortune in just a few days!

My seal is shined… my corners are pressed… and I can’t wait to find out who our next winner is!  Is it someone who will squeeze my corners tight… or rock me gently back and forth to see my zeros shake…?

Ooh, there are so many different types of winners, so tell me… what kind of winner would you be? 

Would you be… The Sharer

Are you ready to strike a pose with me on prize day?  This type of winner is the reason I try to keep my seal shiny every change I get!  They show me off to family and friends right away – and pose with me in style!  Check out this pic with one of my favorite “Sharer” type winners, Rosemary Cella!  She has such a beautiful family…  Would you want your friends and family to be part of your Winning Moment?

Would you be… The Jumper

How high would you jump if you saw me at your door?  As you can see, Natalie Bostelman took winning to new heights (I was so AMAZED… I don’t know how I managed to keep a straight payline)!   Some of my favorite Winning Moments are when winners jump up and down with excitement!  Would you jump and hug your pal Lucky, the PCH Big Check, tight on prize day

Would you be… The Champion

How proud would YOU be to Win?!?  There’s no better feeling than to see a Winner beaming from ear to ear when I come to the door… for me it’s like being a little check in the bank vault again… being held high with pride and having my zeros displayed for all the world to see.  Leroy Faulks was such a noble winner… a true Champion.  He laughed… he cried… and he made everyone around him feel like a winner, too!  Would you get emotional on Prize Day… would it be a dream come true?


Well, I’ve gotta go put these pictures back in my photo album and finish getting ready for Prize Day, so please tell me, if I visit your house on August 31stWHAT KIND OF WINNER WOULD YOU BE?

I can’t wait to read what you have to say!  Bye for now!

Lucky Windfall
The PCH Big Check