I think it’s safe to say that if you won a PCH SuperPrize, you’d be wealthy. You could be wealthy “For Life” or you could be wealthy “Forever” depending on which SuperPrize you won. The question is, if you were to win and live wealthy, how would your life change?
I’m sure there would be a lot of changes for a lot of people. We ask people all the time what they would do with their winnings, and there are a lot of common responses. Most that I’ve spoken to say they would pay off debt, help their family, pay medical bills and donate.
What would you do? Would you go from liability only to full coverage on your car? Would you move? Would you buy a new house or renovate the one you have now? Let me know in the comments below. Let’s see what everyone has to say.
From small tweaks to huge overhauls, your life would probably change if you were to win and live wealthy. Wouldn’t you love to find out? Well, it could very well happen next month. The current PCH SuperPrize is $1,000.00 A Day For Life, and the award date is October 25. The deadline to enter is October 22, so you have plenty of time to enter! Can you imagine finding $1,000.00 every single day? That would be so incredibly amazing. You could do a lot with that money – and it never stops for your entire life. That’s something to think about.
The SuperPrize is great, but we’re PCH, and of course there are other ways to win and live wealthy! We have tons of sweepstakes you can enter, and you could be entering something every day in every way!
Over the years, we’ve asked tons of people how winning big money would change their lives. Here are some of the most popular answers. See if you agree with any or all of these and let us know in the comments below.
- You could buy whatever you want, whenever you want it!
- You could purchase that dream home or renovate your own.
- You could spoil friends and family with gifts.
- You could finally eliminate your debt.
- You could travel wherever you wanted.
- You could buy that expensive vehicle you’ve been eyeballing.
- You could donate to your favorite charities.
- You could spend more time volunteering.
- You could help friends or family members.
- You could open the business you’ve always dreamed of.
Now I’d like to hear what all of you have to say. If you were to win and live wealthy, how would your life change? Hopefully, and with any luck, you’ll find out October 25. We’ll be taking a Special Early Look to see if the matching winning number for our $1,000.00 A Day For Life SuperPrize has been timely returned, and if not, we’ll be awarding a base prize to an alternate winner instead in a second chance random drawing. So be sure to get your entries in by the deadline!
Are you in to win and live wealthy? As always, best of luck.
Tina P.
Online Creative