WIN A BRAND NEW CAR! Hey, What Would Your License Plate Say?

GO: Picture it now – the smell of fresh tires, the brand-new paint job, the license plate that is unique to YOU! Get into gear and enter to win a BRAND NEW CAR + MORE at !
SLOW DOWN: We’re almost there. Yes, next month a Brand-New Lincoln MKZ could drive on down YOUR block and right to the front of YOUR home … along with the Prize Patrol holding a Big Check for an entire Win It All Prize with YOUR name on it! Stay In It To Win It and you could soon become the winner of $2,000,000.00 Up Front + $10,000.00 A Month For Life + A Brand New Lincoln MKZ valued at over $36,000.00!
STOP: Listen … this is exciting news! You could win BIG on June 30th during this special early look prize event! From reading previous comments on this blog, it’s clear many of you LOVE the idea of winning a Brand New Car … a Lincoln MKZ! And OF COURSE YOU ARE! A Brand New Car would be an amazing addition to your family!
So now… We have a question for you: If the Prize Patrol drove a Brand New Luxury Car to your home, wouldn’t it be cool to celebrate with a one-of-a-kind license plate? Winning a SuperPrize would mean you’d have the funds to update your license plate to read anything you’d like.
SO, we’re wondering… what would your license plate say if you won a Brand New Luxury Car?
The Prize Patrol delivering a SuperPrize to your home would be a dream come true. You’d have plenty of additional money to pursue multiple tasks, projects, and to simply just make paying bills easier! So, would you want your license plate to reflect how your dreams recently came true?
What better way to keep a great memory so close to you? As you cruise around your neighborhood in a Brand New Luxury Car, you could keep your favorite Prize Delivering Crew in mind after being awarded a prize of a lifetime! I’m sure Danielle, Todd, Dave, and Howie would find that super cool. 🙂
If you were to Win It All, the very moment you’re handed the Big Check would be a great inspiration for what your license plate reads! The Prize Patrol arriving at the doorstep to YOUR home would transport you to INSTANT good times!
Winning this Brand New Car would put you in the driver’s seat – both literally and figuratively! If you won, you would be driving this Brand New Car and you’d ALSO be able to have your license plate read anything you’d like! So, what would your license plate read? You’re a creative bunch, we know you’d have some excellent ideas! 🙂
YOU HAVE THE GREEN LIGHT FROM PCH: Now is the time to show us you’re DRIVEN TO WIN this Brand New Car + More by entering at!
BUT BEFORE YOU GO … Tell us in the comments section below what YOUR license plate would say if YOU won this BRAND NEW CAR!
See you on the road! 🙂
Nicole M.
PCH Creative