#WinnerWednesday: These Lucky Ladies Are All PCH Winners!

Last Updated: January 31, 2017
PCH Winner

Greetings, fans and friends!

Last week, in my #WinnerWednesday blog post, we congratulated 4 lucky men who won smaller PCH prizes! Well, since all PCH prize giveaways are “equal opportunity” events, this time let’s hear it for the lucky ladies!

That’s right, fans and friends, today’s smaller PCH prize winners spotlighted below are all fortunate females who took the time to enter … and won! (Remember, you can read about more #WinnerWednesday winners every Wednesday on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook!)

So, may I introduce a trio of wonderful winning women (Wow!)

Tammie S. (above) won $5 by searching on PCHSearch&Win and $10 by playing a PCH game on Facebook! … and she tells me she’s ready for a big win now!

“I have been entering the PCH Sweepstakes since December 2002.” Tammie says. “I go to the PCH App (iphone;android), PCHSearch&Win , PCHlotto, PCHfrontpage, the PCH Play &Win App (iphone; android), and www.pch.com every day! I also play many games like PCH slots and blackjack! I love all the games!”

PCH Winner

Catharine B. (above) tells me she won a $5 amazon.com gift card from a PCH game a few years ago. I cannot recall which one exactly,” she says, “but thinking of it motivates me to play games and enter the variety of contests offered by PCH in hopes that someday I might win one of the big SuperPrizes. I am in PCH to win it!”

PCH Winner

Tracy R. (above) wrote on the PCHblog, “I never won anything in my life until PCHSearch&Win made a WINNER out of me!”

Tracy says: “Honestly, I have to say that I have never met anyone who has ever won, or knew of anyone who has ever known of anyone who has ever won a Publishers Clearing House Prize. Until now. Apparently, on 12/12/2016, I won $50.00 from Publishers Clearing House Giveaway # 8805. OMG!!!! Because of this win, I enjoyed what I consider one of the rarest pleasures in the world. I was able to tell my mother that I won something from Publishers Clearing House. Bam!”

Tracy tells me that PCH has been a family tradition. “PCH has become a valued friend of the family,” she says. “We go way back. I am proud that I figuratively and literally cut my teeth on some of the earliest PCH Order Stamps. My brother and I practically busted our knuckles wrestling with the exciting and engaging treasure hunts for the awesome opportunities to win big-mega-super prizes.”

Wow! Aren’t these stories inspiring? And they just go to show you that everyone has an equal shot at becoming a PCH prize winner – whether you’re a gal or a guy … whether you’re young or not so young … whether you live in the deep South or the far North. And all you’ve got to do is ENTER! 

Stay in it to win it!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. If you’ve already won a PCH prize – of any amount – please comment below and let all our blog readers know! Or, tweet us using the hashtag #WinnerWednesday. Who knows? YOU might be starring in a future #WinnerWednesday blog!