#WinnerWednesday: These PCH Winners Are In It to Win It!

Greetings, fans and friends!
Are you in it to win it?
Of course you are! And every time I post my #WinnerWednesday blogs, I hear from more and more of you who have won smaller PCH prizes. You’ve told me how happy you are to win $10 or $25 or maybe a gift card to your favorite store – and how being a winner of a small PCH prize makes you even more motivated to enter to win a BIG PCH prize!
It’s kind of like the way I feel when I eat my favorite dessert, pecan pie. Sure, I could have a small piece of pecan pie, but hey, why not go for a BIG piece of pecan pie!
And with that tasty thought in mind, here are some recent PCH winners who are in it to win it … and are determined to go for an even bigger piece of the pie!
Above is Lorine S. of Lyndhurst, OH, who won $250 in Giveaway #9555. Lorine says she was excited when she won her PCH prize. When asked what she would tell people who don’t believe PCH has real winners, she answered:
“THIS IS REAL, PEOPLE! I enter every day, 2-3 times a day. Waiting for that special day where the PCH Prize Patrol is looking for me.”
Lorine says that the thing she loves most about PCH is how easy it is to enter to win. And I think you’d agree – especially since there are so many ways to enter the PCH sweeps!

“Guess what? I came home from work today and I found an envelope from PCH! Oh, my gosh, my heart skipped a beat! Then I found out that I won a $10 check! I am so happy and excited, and I know I still have many chances to win BIG! I hope to see you guys in cold Minnesota soon. I am in it to win it and I keep playing, searching, praying and entering every day!”
In order to stay “in it to win it,” Enda enters the PCH Sweeps through PCHfrontpage, the PCH games tab on pch.com, and the PCH Fan Page on Facebook. She also enters to win the SuperPrize right from this blog, by clicking on the sweepstakes promotion on the upper right hand corner of this page!
Now, let’s turn our attention to two recent PCH winners showcased on the PCH fan page on Facebook:
Martha Harrelson of Cape Carteret, NC is tickled pink – as a happy PCH winner of $25,000! Martha has been entering the PCH Sweeps for 30 years! Talk about “in it to win it”!
And this lovely lady in blue shouldn’t be feeling blue – this is Annie J. of Byron, GA, and she is a fortunate PCH winner of $10,000! Congratulations!
Now that you’ve met 4 PCH prize winners who were “in it to win it,” I’d like to ask you?
Do you want a BIG piece of the pie?
Would you love to win a PCH prize?
Are you in it to win it?
My advice to you, as always, is: ENTER NOW!
Good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. If you’ve already won a PCH prize – of any amount – please comment below and let all our blog readers know! Or, tweet us using the hashtag #WinnerWednesday. Who knows? YOU might be starring in a future #WinnerWednesday blog!