#WinnerWednesday: More Real PCH Winners!

Greetings, fans and friends!
PCH is a joke.
PCH winners are fake.
Real people don’t win PCH prizes.
Have you ever heard people say things like that? Have you perhaps had these feelings yourself? Well, I’m here to tell you, don’t listen to the naysayers out there! And don’t doubt yourself for one second! Real people win PCH prizes every day … and you could too!
Just take a look at these happy, lucky folks featured in this week’s #WinnerWednesday blog! You, too, could be a real PCH winner … just like them!
Joelle J. tells me that winning her PCH prize felt vindicating, because it proved the naysayers wrong! Joelle got her first win in Giveaway #10866 – receiving a prize check for $200! Her second win was a about a week later – and that was live on Inside PCH, our fabulous show on Facebook starring Prize Patrol members Danielle and Howie.
“I’ve been playing PCH since January of 2015,” Joelle explains. “I play on PCHlotto, PCHkeno, PCH.com , the PCH App (android) (Apple), and I play on both mobile and desktop. On the blog, I always click on the ad for the latest giveaway. I do all the sweepstakes every day as much as I possibly can with my work schedule.”
Joelle continues, “I return each mailed bulletin and scratch off cards that come in my packages. I enter on PCHTV, PCH Slots, and token games like Mahjong Minute or Token Toss. I play PCHBlackjack at least once a day. It feels like I search constantly! I can say I hardly ever miss an email PCH sends me!”
Joelle tells me she is hoping to win big someday, and that she feels she is on this earth to help others. “Miracles do happen and every bit helps,” she says. “Thank you, PCH.”
Santos B. (not pictured) tells me he enters all the PCH sweepstakes, and he won $10 a while back on Prize Central on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook. “I still have the big envelope when it was mailed to me from PCH Executive Headquarters,” he says.
Vickie H. (also not pictured) writes that she has been playing and entering the PCH Sweeps since 2015, and has won 5 times!!!
“I didn’t give up on my dreams,” Vickie explains. She won two $5 gift cards … she won $10 cash twice … and she also won $100! Vickie enters each and every day – and some of her favorite ways to enter are through PCHSearch&Win, PCHfrontpageand PCH Games. She also makes it her business to call in her entry every night at 1-800-459-4724.
Vickie believes in keeping the faith, saying, “I will keep going strong each and every day and I won’t give up on my dreams. I believe that you can do anything you put your mind to and that all things are possible!”
Finally, I wanted to share with you this great story I saw on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook, about how persistence really pays off! Jackie Gilson of Rushville, IL was happy to win $10 from PCH. But when the Prize Patrol paid her a visit with a Big Check for$75,000, it was a dream come true!
What binds these PCH winners together is their common belief that they’re “in it to win it.” Are you “in it to win it” too? Then enter every day in every way you can! Start right now by clicking the “Enter Now!” button at the upper right hand corner of this blog page!
Good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. How do I find the people I spotlight in our #WinnerWednesday blogs? I read your comments! So, if you’ve won a PCH prize – no matter what the amount – comment below by writing “I am a PCH winner!” Or tweet us by using the hashtag #WinnerWednesday. Who knows? You just might appear in a #WinnerWednesday blog like this one!