#WinnerWednesday: Real PCH Winners Come from All Over!

Last Updated: May 25, 2016

 Greetings, fans and friends! And let’s get started right away with another #WinnerWednesday!

If you’ve been following my blogs about real PCH winners, you’ll know that every other Wednesday I spotlight folks like you who have won smaller prizes from PCH!

And here’s the cool thing … these lucky PCH prize winners come from all over the country!

Now, you may have said to yourself, “No one from my state wins.” If you live in the North, you might believe that only people in the South win PCH prizes; if you live in the South, you might be thinking that only people in the North win.

Well, I am here to tell you that PCH prize winners come from every state in the union – North, East, South and West. And to give you an example, here are just a few of our recent winners of prizes large and small …

PCH prize winner

Tiquina W. (above) is smiling because she won $5,000 in Giveaway No. 7335. Tiquina lives in Wisconsin – way up in the northern part of the U.S.A.

Real PCH winner

Charles B. (above) is proudly holding his letter stating that he won $900 in Giveaway 5504. Charles lives in Massachusetts, in the eastern part of the United States.

“This gift will help, as my wife is going to our granddaughter’s graduation from Tulane University, in Louisiana,” says Charles.


 Speaking of Louisiana, Suzanne I. (above), who won $1,000 in Giveaway No. 6969, hails from the great state of Louisiana, which would definitely put her in the South!

PCH winners are real

Last but not least, Glenda M. (above) won a $500 Wal-Mart Gift Card on PCHSearch&Win! Glenda lives in Washington State, which is about as west as you can get.

“I received a nice surprise when I discovered that I had won a $500 e-gift card from Wal-Mart,” says Glenda. “I had followed lots of instructions from lots of PCH emails on the chance I might win something, never really expecting I would win anything … Guess what!!! I really won!!!”

That’s right, fans and friends, PCH winners come from all states … all races, creeds and cultures … and all walks of life!

Want to read about more real PCH winners? Keep reading my #WinnerWednesday blogs! And enter every chance you can!

Stay real,

Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. As I mentioned above, Glenda M. won a $500 Wal-Mart Gift card by logging on to PCHSearch&Win and searching the web! Read about more PCH prizes up for grabs this week on my colleague Jane’s PCHSearch&Win Prizefest blog.

Want to read about even more real PCH winners? My pal MaryBeth will amaze you with her list of lucky winners in her “Month in Winning” blog!

P.P.S. If you’ve won a PCH prize (of any amount) and would like to be featured in this blog, comment below or tweet us using the hashtag #WinnerWednesday!