#WinnerWednesday: See Real PCH Winners on Our Fan Page on Facebook!

Every other week, on our #WinnerWednesday blogs, I am excited to bring you stories and photos of real PCH winners. But did you know that every Wednesday is #WinnerWednesday on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook?
That’s right! Every Wednesday, you can view a Facebook post about a lucky lady or gentleman who won a smaller PCH prize! Of course, the PCH Fan Page on Facebook is also your go-to spot for getting the “411” on our latest SuperPrize winners, learning about new sweepstakes opportunities, discovering tips to avoid scams, and much more!
Recently, these happy PCH winners were featured during #WinnerWednesday:
Betty Y. won $1,000 in Giveaway #7705. Over 2,300 PCH fans “liked” the #WinnerWednesday post featuring Betty’s smiling face, and there were plenty of congratulatory comments, too! What would your friends say if you were featured in a #WinnerWednesday post?
Anne S. won $1,000 in Giveaway #7459. I’ll bet she didn’t expect to be a PCH winner! How would you react if you won a PCH prize?
The dude behind the shades is $1,000 winner and cool rider Alan S. He’s a PCH winner of Giveaway #8471. Do you want to be a PCH winner? Enter today, and your life could be one sweet ride down the road of riches!
Joining the PCH Family of Winners is Haroun Z., who won $1,000 from Giveaway #8706. Yes, that’s a real PCH check Haroun is holding. If you opened an envelope from PCH to find a check for a thousand bucks, what would you spend it on?
Would you like to join these real PCH winners in saying, “Yes! I won a PCH prize”? Then listen up: There’s no secret to winning … all you’ve got to do is enter every day in every way you can! Why not start right now by clicking the “Enter Now” button right here on this blog page!
Good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. If you’ve won a PCH prize – no matter what the amount – comment below by writing “I am a PCH winner!” Or tweet us by using the hashtag #WinnerWednesday. Who knows? You just might appear in a #WinnerWednesday blog like this one!