How Would Winning “Forever” Make You Feel?

Over the years the Prize Patrol has gotten all sorts of reactions when they knocked on the winner’s door and surprised them with a big check. These lucky winners have expressed their feelings in a number of different ways — from screaming and jumping up and down to speechless moments in front of the camera to trembling, collapsing, and tears of joy.
We’re Looking Forward To The Next Big Winning Moment!
Yes, we’ve seen it all, that’s for sure. And with our guaranteed award on February 24th drawing near, we can only imagine the kind of winning moment we’ll capture on camera this time! That’s when we’ll be giving away $5,000.00 A Week For Life for the lifetime of the lucky winner and after that for the lifetime of a beneficiary of the winner’s choosing. This is the life-changing, legacy-making, super duper prize that has got everyone talking, and hoping and praying!
Some Inspiring Words Are Worth Sharing …
That’s a lot of money and a lot to think about for all of you who are in it to win it. The good news is that we never have to look very far to bring you inspiring words to keep that dream alive! In fact, I want to show you all something from one of our blog readers who left a “share-worthy” comment. This PCH fan decided to write us a clever wordplay about the way SHE would feel if she won the “Forever” prize.
Janette M. writes:
I’ll be
F: fortunate
O: optimistic
R: radiant
E: ecstatic
V: victorious
E: exuberant
R: relieved
Way to go Janette! It’s not so easy to stay positive ALL of the time, so I’m always encouraged to see our fans giving each other some inspiration along the way.
With that in mind, we have an idea for you blog readers out there. Why not come up with your own wordplay on the word “Forever”, just like Janette? What words come to mind, beginning with the letters F-O-R-E-V-E-R, that best describe the way you would feel if you were to win $5,000.00 A Week Forever on February 24th? Give it some thought, and let us know in the comments section below what you come up with. It could help to cheer our readers on, and to help everyone to the faith as we get closer to award day! Thanks in advance for your ideas!
Jane M.
PCH Creative
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