Winning the “Forever” Prize Would Be A Continuous Blessing!

Last Updated: July 22, 2016

Continuous Blessing

You know that old saying, “count your blessings”. Well, if you won the PCH “Forever” Prize, you would be counting those blessings every week, with $5,000.00 checks coming in for the rest of your life and then, after that, for the life of someone you choose. It truly is a continuous blessing!

PCH is prepared to award a “Forever” Prize in our next Special Early Look event on August 31st! I don’t have to tell you blog readers that $5,000 A Week “Forever” is no ordinary prize – it’s a prize that spans two generations and REALLY changes lives!

Imagine, after the initial surprise and shock of all of that money, when things finally quieted down for you and your family, the enormity of your winnings would finally sink in. This is not just one lump sum that dwindles away with time. This prize is designed to provide a lasting legacy for the beneficiary whom you choose so you can provide a continuous blessing for a son, a daughter, a spouse, a grandchild, a dear friend — whomever you choose!

Past Winners Lives Changed For The Better

We’ve heard firsthand how amazing it has been for a few of our “Forever” Prize winners to be blessed with that kind of money.  Lucky Tamar Howard now enjoys the kind of financial security she always dreamed about. Her continuous blessing is that she now gets to take care of her first priority — making sure all three of her darling girls get to go to the colleges of their choice. What an incredible legacy she gets to leave behind!

Danielle Lam of the Prize Patrol will never forget what it was like to hand John Wyllie that first big check of his “Forever” prize.  Or how John’s first thoughts were about helping others with his winnings: “First thing I’m going to do? Buy my dad a house” and then how he added, “As long as I can make somebody else happy with some of this, that’d be good with me”. We’re sure the happiness and good fortune continue to bless him and his family with each passing week.

And what about Ryan Hart, who was our youngest ever lifetime prize winner? Soon after he won at the ripe old age of 21, Ryan said he would help his hard-working father to pay off and fix up their house that needed expensive repairs. With many more years ahead of him, Ryan’s weekly payouts could go on for a REALLY long time!

Take it from our past winners who tell us that they never gave up hope and kept on entering every chance they had. If you want to turn your dream of winning into a lifetime of financial security, be sure to enter every day and every way you can. It could be you and a loved one reaping the rewards of a continuous blessing on August 31st! Best of luck to you all!

Jane M.
PCH Creative