Winning PCH Is Like Christmas Came Early!

Greetings, fans and friends …
And Merry Christmas!!! Fa-la-la-la-la! Can’t you see it? The presents are wrapped, the decorations are on the tree, and won’t you join me in singing some carols?
“Whaaaaat!!??” I hear you saying, “But Debbie, it’s August 17th! Christmas is more than four months away!”
Yes, yes, fans, I am aware that “Merry Christmas” is not something one hears in the middle of August. I know that the weather outside is frightfully hot and humid, and that Frosty the Snowman is one big puddle, but if you were to become the winner of our incredible $1,000 A Day For Life, it would be like Christmas came early!
That’s right … we’re looking for someone to take home the prize that pays out a $1,000 check day after day after day! Would YOU like to become our next big winner in this “Special Early Look” event? Then, as sure as Rudolph the Reindeer has a red nose, winning PCH would be like Christmas came early!
Win this prize of a lifetime and the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol – not Santa – will be at your front door with roses, balloons, champagne and the famous “Big Check” – plus a real check for $1,000 on what would certainly feel like the first day of Christmas! I think we can all agree that one thousand dollars a day for life is the gift that keeps on giving.
Just think of how your life would become merry and bright as a PCH SuperPrize winner:
You could deck your halls with the latest kitchen appliances and new furniture in every room … enjoy chestnuts roasting on an open fire in that new marble fireplace … hey, you could even buy a partridge in a pear tree if you can find one!
You could be dashing through the snow (or the desert or the mountains) in the driver’s seat of a new truck or sport utility vehicle!
If all you want for Christmas is your two front teeth, you could afford to pay those dental bills … plus take care of those doctor bills and credit card statements … and pay off those loans!
Winning PCH would certainly mean “joy to the world” – because you could give back to your community, donate to charity, and give a helping hand to family and friends!
That’s right, fans and friends, August 31st could be the “most wonderful time of the year”
if you became the latest PCH SuperPrize winner. Your pockets could jingle all the way to the bank for the rest of your life!
Don’t miss out! Enter today and every day, and Christmas could come early for YOU!
Merry Christmas in August!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Every day is a holiday when we can share delicious food with those we love! Come back to the blog this afternoon for some yummy summer recipes from Kira!