Winning the “Forever” Prize is Like a Getting Whatever You Want!

Last Updated: February 23, 2015

what would you buy first if you won

Do you have a friend who has money? I mean a LOT of money. You know, that one friend who doesn’t have to worry about the price tags on clothes? And she and her family seem to go out to a nice restaurant every weekend night? Wouldn’t you like to live like that? Well one lucky Publishers Clearing House fan will have that dream come true, when we give away our incredible “Forever” Prize in just three days!!

Imagine winning $5,000 A Week “FOREVER”. Remember, if you win, that would mean $5,000 a week for your life, plus after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone you choose. Let that sink in a moment. Why, you’d probably be richer than that friend who has all of that money! It could feel like you had all of the money in the world!

Not that you’ve ever been envious (perish the thought!), but maybe you’ve fantasized about what you’d buy if you had that much cash. Well now double or even triple it, because if you won on February 27th, your dream bank account would be bursting at the seams!

If you had this incredible windfall, what would you buy first? Of course we all have plans to help take care of our families, upgrade our living situation, and make sure we invest enough to secure our future. Those are all good things to think about, and it is definitely the right thing to do. But everyone has that one thing that they have always wanted to purchase.

With the “Forever” Prize, that purchase can happen! If you win, it means not having to worry about your budget. It means knowing you have more than enough money for all of the things you’ve always wanted. Maybe it’s that last thing missing from a precious collection. Maybe it’s that big, Ultra High Definition 4K TV you’ve always wanted to watch sports on…

What is that one thing for you?


Maybe it’s time to finally get that car you’ve always dreamed about. Would it be a brand new sensible Ford®? Or maybe something a little flashier? Would you go for a hybrid or a gas guzzler? It could be both – you could certainly afford it!


Or would it be a ticket to some exotic locale? Maybe a vacation package to help you clear your head under the warm sun and blue waters of a tropical destination? Or would a trip to an old city in Europe be more your speed? Or a road trip across the USA? The possibilities are incredible!

Or maybe before redecorating your home, how about decorate yourself with some fancy bling! Head out and get some new designer wear or that expensive watch you’ve always wanted. The sky’s the limit!

If you were to ask me, my first big purchase would be to remodel my home! In fact, I’d love to upgrade my whole house! I would expand my kitchen and dining room, put stairs up to my attic, and turn the basement into a family room! I would need lots of space for my family and friends to move around in, because I’d expect them to visit all the time!

But enough about me, what about YOU? What would you want to buy if you won the “Forever” Prize? Again, don’t forget that we’ll be announcing our big winner in just a few days, so be sure to watch all of the PCH sites for the latest news. And you never know, if your entry is picked as the winner, maybe YOU will be able to buy whatever you want in just a few days!

Matt K.

PCH Creative

P.S. While the entry deadline for our “Forever” Prize has passed, it’s not too late to enter to win lots of other Sweeps prizes at!