Winning The PCH Sweepstakes Changed My Life!

Last Updated: October 4, 2013


Hey there, Everyone!

It’s your friendly Neighborhood PCH Goodwill Ambassador, Natalie! As a former SuperPrize Winner, I get asked a lot of questions. “What did you do with the money after you won?”  “How did your life change?” “Is it real?? Did the Prize Patrol really visit you?”

YES! It’s REAL, and the Prize Patrol really DID visit me. You can see my winning moment below, complete with the big check, balloons and flowers!


My life definitely changed – I was no longer working three jobs (yes, that’s not a typo, THREE) we paid off our debts and built our dream home. In fact, after winning my SuperPrize, I’ve been lucky enough to be on the other side of the winning – by helping the Prize Patrol deliver a few BIG CHECKS!

Other than paying off those bills and building our dream home, another thing that my SuperPrize win afforded myself and my husband was the ability to take more time off, like take a two week long vacation!

Our first trip was with my husband’s family to the Upper Peninsula. ‘The…what?’ You ask? If you are not from my general neck of the woods, it is the second part of Michigan, above the “mitten”.

The land is so green, air so clean and the skies… cloudy. But we still managed to have fun! We took a ferry over to an island with a famous hotel. (What hotel? What island? The hotel was featured in “Somewhere in Time”. You can search for it using PCHSearch&Win!) We enjoyed a local favorite, Whitefish Dip, at one of our favorite restaurants, the Pink Pony.


We also visited two beautiful parks. The first featured Upper and Lower falls that were BROWN! No, it is not because of pollution. We visited Tahquamenon Falls and learned why the water had this odd color. (You can find out what makes the water brown through PCHSearch&Win!) Then we hopped in the car and headed to the lake to beat all lakes. It IS named “Superior” after all!

It was my first time visiting this Great Lake, as well as the “Pictured Rocks”. They were absolutely beautiful. But one thing that stood out was this lone tree, sitting atop of one of the formations. Apparently it is quite old, and the root system used to be supported by a natural bridge. That bridge collapsed, and yet the roots were strong enough to survive. Amazing.

Then we took ONE day off so that we could prepare for another family vacation. This time with MY family!

On this leg of our vacation, we decided to kick things up a notch on our trip to Colorado.

First kick – we flew First Class! The flight attendants were wonderful and we got hot towels! Whoo hoo!

Second kick – we rented a car. Our car was supposed to be a normal sedan, but Scott thought, “Eh, let’s see what else is available. Let’s get something FUN.” We did! We rented a Mercedes!

Third kick – We decided to take a day trip to the place that inspired Katharine Lee Bates to write the poem, “Pike’s Peak”, but you probably know it by another name. (Take another spin on PCHSearch& Win!)

natalie bostelman

We took the Cog Railroad up the mountain, and marveled in the beautiful sights, including Long Horn Sheep and the view Ms. Bates had that inspired her famous poem. We were truly on top of the world.

I bet that you would be ‘on top of the world’ as well if you won the latest SuperPrize! $7,000 A Week For Life is the LARGEST weekly lifetime prize we’ve ever offered! What would you do if you suddenly became a millionaire? Would you travel in style like we did? How about simply taking it easy and retiring? Let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to ENTER ENTER ENTER!


Natalie Bostelman
2008 SuperPrize Winner
PCH Goodwill Ambassador


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