If you won our “Win It All Prize,” what would you spend your first $2,000,000 on?

Now’s the time to start thinking about it. Because we’re gearing up for our huge “WIN IT ALL” PRIZE EVENT on June 30th — where a lifetime winner would receive TWO MILLION DOLLARS right off the bat! What would you SPEND all that money on?
Would you buy a BRAND NEW CAR…or two or three?
That’d be a fun way to spend your first $2,000,000 if you won our “Win It All” Prize! Wouldn’t it be great to trade in your old “clunker” for a gorgeous luxury car, loaded with every option in the book? Or maybe you already have a nice car, but you’d like another one for your spouse and another one for your child or grandchild? With $2,000,000 to spend, you could just sign and drive — no questions asked!
How about paying for a new DREAM HOME with CASH?
With the first Two Million Dollars of our Win It All Prize burning a hole in your pocket if you win, you could have your pick of the most gorgeous homes in your local realtor’s book and STILL have plenty left over to put in a pool, buy elegant furniture, add expensive landscaping — the works.
OR would you spring for the EXCITING VACATION you’ve been longing to take?
Basking in the Caribbean sun … sipping champagne aboard a luxury cruise ship … taking the whole family for a theme park extravaganza … those would be EXCELLENT ways to spend the first $2,000,000 of a “Win It All Prize”!
Of course, $2,000,000 at Once would just be the beginning of the “WIN IT ALL” Prize!
If you win this prize in our June 30th Prize Event , you’d get TWO MILLION DOLLARS at once plus $10,000 A Month For Life plus a brand new Luxury Car! Yes, a winner would have plenty MORE spending decisions to make after receiving her or his first $2,000,000!
(Of course, when we take a special early look for the winning number, it could be that no one has returned it on time. Bummer — but not really! In that case we guarantee to award One Million Dollars to one lucky winner in a second chance drawing. Yes, someone will definitely become a Millionaire in a few weeks’ time.)
Enter every conceivable way you can — and boy, there are a lot of them — check out my friend Jane’s blog to find out. Throw as many entries at this special “Win It All” Prize Event as you possibly can because you never know which one could be a match for the winner.
I hope I’ve got your to thinking about what you’d spend your first $2,000,000 on if you become our “Win It All” Prize Event winner in weeks. AND I HOPE YOU’LL TELL US ABOUT IT IN THE “COMMENTS” SECTION BELOW!
Waiting to hear from you …
Marybeth, from PCH Creative, and all your friends at Publishers Clearing House