Is It Worth My Time to Enter the PCH Sweeps!

Last Updated: November 28, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends,

Have you ever wondered “Is it worth my time to enter the PCH Sweeps”?

Have you ever doubted that you could ever possibly win a PCH prize?

Have you ever said to yourself, “I might as well give upI’m never going to win PCH”?

Well, here’s a little poem I made up to help you remain inspired and stay in it to win it:


“Is it really worth my precious time to enter the PCH Sweeps?”
“Is there any possibility that I could win heaps and heaps?”
My answer is “of course,” ‘cause we have winners every day!
And just like you, they doubted that good luck would come their way!
Now, back in 1492, Columbus sailed the sea
But did he ever say, “I’m turning back – this ain’t for me!”


Did the Pilgrims cast a doubtful eye when landing on Plymouth Rock?
Did Washington cross the Delaware or sulk back to the dock?
Did Neil Armstrong hesitate? After all, what would he find?
Instead he made “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”


My friends, you must have courage; my friends, you must believe
Don’t forfeit what could be your prize to Tom, Dick, Harry … or Steve!
Don’t let the Prize Patrol arrive at someone else’s door
Don’t let another person gain what you’ve been praying for!
So, if you think it isn’t worth your precious time to enter,
Consider it could be the difference between being an owner and a renter
Consider all the loved ones whose lives you could improve
Consider the charities you’d help, the mountains you could move!


Then go ahead … and take a breath … and make a solemn vow
Get rid of all misgivings, and simply … enter now!

Good luck!

Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. Write me a poem about what you’d do if you won! Comment below!