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Grateful Robb Gonzales Got A Second Chance on Life!

Do you ever wish you could have a second chance on life? Another shot at something big? A new beginning?

Well, you’re not alone. A lot of our past SuperPrize winners have told us that getting a second chance on life is exactly what gave them the motivation to keep entering – no matter what. And that’s exactly what our Second Chance winner Robb Gonzales got recently when he won our $1 Million SuperPrize.

How did it all happen? Robb won from one of our “Special Early Look” drawings. You see, before a giveaway has reached its end date, occasionally we hold a Special Early Look to see if we have a match to the winning number. We plan these “sneak peeks” because we’re so excited about the chance of giving away the big prize early! And it’s a win-win, because in the event that we don’t have a timely returned number, we are still able to give away a life-changing amount – a One Million Dollar SuperPrize!

We’ve been fortunate to award many $1 Million prizes to winners – all from Giveaway #4900 alone! Robb Gonzales is one of these recent $1 Million second chance winners, and even though we’ve spoken with him before, I was able to get up close and personal with him again when he came to visit PCH Headquarters a few days ago. It was really the perfect opportunity to ask him what being a “second chance winner” means to him!

Second Chance Millionaire Robb

When a person wins the second chance $1 million prize, in a way they’re actually beating the odds two times! First, there’s the odds that the winning prize number isn’t returned in the first place. Then, there’s the odds that their number comes up afterwards! We asked Robb how it felt to beat these odds:

“It means a lot, of course. It seems like I can’t believe that this has happened. I find it kind of ironic. That I get a second chance at winning, and that also means I get a second chance at everything else. Now I get to live a little more comfortably than I have been. So, it means a lot to me. I should get a t-shirt that says ‘second chance’!  Or name a dog ‘second chance,’ but I’ll need a second dog!  It’s just amazing. I guess it’s just real surreal. I mean, I’m low key. I was telling Danielle, I don’t scream and holler. I watch a lot of the other winners’ videos, and I don’t roll around on the floor. I mean, I did think I was going to pass out, but I’m just real low key. I think that when it really sets in, I’ll start running around in circles and start screaming.”

Second Chance on Life

We asked Robb if he was at all disappointed that the prize he won wasn’t bigger.

“No, I didn’t think about ‘I wish it was more’ … you take what you’re given and you’re grateful…How can you not be grateful for the $1 Million? Of course I’m still entering for [other prizes too]. I mean I don’t know what the odds are on winning that again… I mean, I had just moved, I was trying to pay some bills, I had like $60 a week in my account. I mean, anything AT ALL, I’m grateful for.  Again, I’m very low key…I’m not buying a brand new car, I’m going to invest, take a good vacation, but I’m thankful for what I have. I mean, I was just trying to win a $500 gift card to buy some groceries!”

Does Robb believe in second chances?

“I think [second chances] are a recurring theme for anybody, really. We all want a second chance on our job…or with our life. But I think this one is definitely a blessing.”

We couldn’t agree more! And we couldn’t be more excited to give another lucky winner a second chance on life when we award another $1 Million Prize in just 2 days! If you’re excited too, and you want to see the Prize Patrol at your door on October 23rd, comment below and let us know!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. If you could have a second chance on something in your life, what would you choose? Tell us in the comments below!

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  1. Primero gracias a dios ase 3 anos estuve muerto en el hospital new jersey y fu un dolor tan grande que no tengo idea fu el día más doloroso en mi vida 777 y fu al Reyno de dios y estuve con el camine por un túnel y avía una luz que me dió una paz ?️ que no tiene esplicasion en la tierra es algo del espíritu y mire un ángel tan hermoso que solo con verlo sentí algo hermoso y en verdad dios me dió una segunda oportunidad de vida y me dió ese peligro y se que eso vien del norte y mi papá Raúl Bardales me esplico por qué todo en verdad gracias vy mi espíritu solo quiero Aser lo que dios me mandó y solo espero mi milagro en v dios es la fe de mi corazón y dios en tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu amen gracias pch en verdad se que son angeles de dios y yo soy 1111 no perdere mi esperanza amen

  2. I sooo Really need that second chance becaude now I think I have to move by the end of this month and that’s horrible I can’t do that in 2 weeks we have to much stuff to move out and would still have to fubd a place and way more money to get another house.
    I have a 9 yr old here at home he shouldn’t have to be going through this. Its so sad and heartbroken. AND have my doggies to where are we suppose to goooo and doooo? ?
    I just hope wish and pray that I get award from PCH..sonner that wayyyy laterr..
    If don’t need or want to Win the biggest prize 15million I rather have someone else winn that. I’ll be gratful with just a Million really thats way more than enough for me and my family to get another house and finally move on to happier. Stress free moments.
    I know I don’t really show or tell all my problems because I know God sees everything and I know and belive in my faith that GOD will come through and bless me at the right time..
    So I pray everyday all day that a miracle come soon or something better happen.
    Because im tired of being the only one to stress and figure things all out..