Interview with $1,000,000.00 Publishers Clearing House Winner Betty Patchett!

Last Updated: January 22, 2018

When a person becomes a Publishers Clearing House winner, a lot of things typically go through their head. Honestly, it’s a lot to overwhelm anyone! I can’t think of a better recent example of this than Betty Patchett, our most recent $1,000,000.00 SuperPrize winner!

It all happened in late December. Betty was doing some training for a post-retirement job as a school bus driver. With close ties to her local school district’s music department, it made sense for her to stay involved with the district. She and the other drivers were settling for a nice pre-holiday break meal when the Prize Patrol showed up. Watch her winning moment video!

What a great moment, right? Betty’s reaction was interesting, because of something she shared with us during her interview! Betty has a minor medical issue affecting her eyes, making crying (a reaction we see from so many PCH winners) a bit of a challenge for her. So her reaction (plus fanning herself) was all in an effort to hold back tears! Betty takes it all in good stride, though.

Then once everything settled down, the Publishers Clearing House winner shared some of her holiday celebration food with the Prize Patrol & crew.

And while Betty is a fun person, she does take the financial responsibility of her newfound good fortune very seriously. She hasn’t counted ANY chickens before they hatched, and would not spend a single dime until she had everything sorted out with a financial advisor!

“I was out at lunch and someone said, ‘Oh, Betty’s buying!’”  But while Betty does plan on being generous soon (she is considering a donation to the aforementioned music department drumline), she is taking her time.

“I’ve got bills, pet medical bills to pay. There’s a lot to consider!”

Once she has dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s, then she might be able to relax a bit. But until then, she’s trying to not even think about it! From our chat with her, we can tell that Betty still just wants to be Betty. She wants to be able to enjoy the unexpected windfall coming her way, and not have to worry about all of the other stuff!

“It’s not going to truly sink in until my bills stop coming in. When those car payments stop, then I’ll be able to relax!” she says.

All Publishers Clearing House winners have a lot to consider once they receive their winnings, and we’re so glad that Betty is doing the right thing and taking it slow! Don’t forget, Betty only became a Publishers Clearing House winner because she was “in it to win it!” Enter today at for your own chance!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. – How would you react if you won $1,000,000.00 from Publishers Clearing House? Would you go on a spending spree or take it slow like Betty? Tell us in the comments below!