#WinnerWednesday: More Real PCH Winners Share Their Winning Stories!

Greetings, fans and friends, and welcome to another inspiring #WinnerWednesday blog, where real PCH winners tell us about their small but mighty wins!
I’ve been combing through your comments, and I found 5 winners who wanted all of you to know that PCH is the real deal.
Yeah, baby, PCH is for real! That’s what Lisa G., pictured here with her daughter, could have said when she won a Dell gift card for $50, plus another check for $10 as a PCH VIP. “I am in it to win it!” Lisa says. Congratulations, Lisa!
Elisabeth M. won a PCH prize of $10 in June. To her, it was proof that PCH is real. Elisabeth tells me she enjoys playing PCHlotto, entering on pch.com and checking out the latest news on PCHFrontpage. As far as the big SuperPrize goes, Elisabeth says, “I hope my time is coming soon. I am wishing that my dreams will come true. Good luck, everyone.”
Here are 3 more winners who know for a fact that PCH is real:
Edmund U. of Tucson, Arizona, winner of a $100 PCH prize, writes, “Just keep trying! Winners are real.”
Terri H. of Swanton, Ohio doubted whether anyone ever really won PCH until she received her $50 prize. Now she exclaims, “Keep playing! There really are winners!”
Ernestina G. of San Antonio, Texas, a $100 PCH winner, simply says, “Oh, it’s real! This is awesome-ness!”
Why not take the advice of these PCH winners, and enter every day in every way you can? You, too, may become a real PCH winner … and experience awesome-ness like never before!
Good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
PS Who would you leave a legacy to if you won our “Forever” prize? Come back to the blog this afternoon and read what Matt K. has to say – then let us know your thoughts!