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$5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Is GUARANTEED TO BE AWARDED February 28th!

The list of PCH prize winners is growing so fast, it’s hard to keep up with all of them. We recently awarded $2,500.00 A Week For Life to Joan Geringer of Woodbridge, Virginia on December 30th and now we’re gearing up for another big award on February 28th. Can you believe it? And this one’s HUGE. That’s right. We’ll definitely be awarding a lucky winner $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” in just weeks!

It’s An Absolute Fact!!

And why? Because this SuperPrize from Giveaway No. 13000 is GUARANTEED to be awarded. There will be no “Sneak Peek” or “Special Early Look”… there will definitely be only ONE BIG WINNER … and the amount will not be for a base prize of $1 Million, but it will DEFINITELY be for a whopping $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”. No ifs, ands or buts … the Prize Patrol will be delivering this prize on Friday, February 28th, and the winner will be announced on NBC TV.

We’ll be looking to see if the matching winning number has been timely returned to find our winner. Even if the matching winning number has not been returned, we’ll run a second chance random drawing among all eligible entries and pick the winner. And that winner will still win the incredible prize amount of $5,000.00 A Week “Forever”.

That means we can say with absolute certainty, state it as a bona fide fact, swear to you all and cross our hearts that $5,000.00 A Week Forever will definitely be awarded on February 28th and it will certainly change, or maybe save, someone’s life for the better in so many ways!

Imagine How It Could Change Your Life And The Lives Of Your Loved Ones!

You could get $5,000.00 a week for life, then after that, someone you choose gets $5,000.00 a week for their life! It’s really a blessing for TWO generations — an incredible legacy to ensure financial stability for you and your family for years and years!

Imagine being able to pay off all of your debt … remodel your home or buy a fancy new one … buy the car of your dreams … take a fabulous vacation whenever and wherever you’d like … send a loved one to college … donate to the charity of your choice. The possibilities are endless. But they are only possible if you enter to win, and there’s still plenty of time to do that!

Enter Daily And You Could Become Our Next Big Winner!

There are so many opportunities to enter to win across all of our exciting PCH properties. It’s always so easy and fun and FREE! Be sure to log on to PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames, PCH Frontpage and PCHlotto to name just a few. It’s a brand new year, a brand new decade, and a brand new chance to change your life and the lives of your loved ones for good!

Best of luck to you all!

Jane M.
PCH Creative

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  1. I could win according to a notification I found searching it sounded serious so I’m searching for PCH GWY11000 $5,000.00 a week forever I do believe I saw you award James Dennis this superprize .
    Well thanks alot I just thought I’d try one more time.

  2. I sure would like to win the five thousand A week for life or even 15 Lillian life-changing or even a 20 million. I’ve been headed home in nine years and I don’t have a car and i’m Pray every night to God to let me win so I can get back on my feet and get my own place and have mine independence back. I stop living around my friend’s couch. Which I’ve been for 9 years.

  3. I claim PCH GWY NO 4900 $5,000.00 a week forever for Bruce W$$$$$$$$$, thirty days after funeral.
    I claim PCH GWY NO 6900 $5,000.00 A WEEK FOR LIFE.
    PCH GWY NO. 8800. $1,000.0000.00 CAG SUPERPRIZE entry 3.
    BRUCE W$$$$$$$$$.

  4. #21000#3 PCH, I put my entry in for $5,000.00 a week forever and the winner is guaranteed to win and be awarded on August 31/2023, have a good day.