Who Will Win $1,000,000.00 From PCH Today?

Last Updated: June 8, 2022

Greetings, fans and friends!

If you’d like to become today’s PCH’s winner of a $1,000,000 SuperPrize, say “I do!”

Oh, I hear a lot of “I do’s” out there! From the east coast … to the west coast … to the heartland of America and every place in-between, ALL of you would like to become PCH’s next millionaire today! And you know what? It’s possible – because each and every person who entered to win this life-changing sweepstakes has an equal opportunity to win!

The PCH Prize Patrol Is Ready to Award One Million Dollars in Just Hours!

Yes, indeed, right now, the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol is on the road, super-ready and super-psyched to award this super-duper prize to one super-lucky person. And I know what all of you are asking yourselves right now:

“Where is the Prize Patrol headed?”

Well, to get everyone excited about today’s winning moment, we have some thoroughly intriguing and totally fun video clues for you – and here they are:

Who Will Win $1,000,000 from PCH Today?

Check Out These Video Clues!











Announcing Our New Winner!


Don’t forget, fans and friends, there’s a lot more winning where that came from – this is Publishers Clearing House after all! And at the House Where Dreams Come True, we ALWAYS have winning opportunities for you! So, make sure you’re in it to win it … and enter today and every day in every way you can!

Debbie K.
PCH Creative