$25,000.00 Everyday Life Prize Will Be Awarded Soon!

Hey there, friends and fans!
It’s been quite a busy year here at PCH. We’ve already awarded $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” back in February, the $4,978,632.00 Lotto PowerPrize just after that, $1,000,000.00 just last week, and we’re gearing up to award our new “Win It All” Prize next month! But while PCH is famous for its millionaire-making prizes, it’s important to remember we award tons of other prizes throughout the year, like our $25,000.00 Everyday Life Exclusive Prize!
If you haven’t heard all about Everyday Life yet, then you’ve so far missed out! It’s PCH’s new destination for tips for living a healthier, more fulfilling life, with recipes, life hacks, pet info, and more! You can watch videos, read articles, or just search for the information you want. And since this is PCH, with your first video, article, or search of the day, you get in to win $25,000.00!
FIRST EVER $25,000.00 Everyday Life Prize Will Be Awarded In Just Days!
As Everyday Life is the newest member of the PCH family, there hasn’t yet been a $25,000.00 exclusive prize winner just yet — but all that’s about to change. In just days, the Prize Patrol is going to hit the road and award our first-ever Everyday Life Exclusive $25,000.00 Prize! That winner could be YOU!
For many people, $25,000.00 would be a life-changing amount, whether it’s a down payment on a new house, the money for a new car, or a shot to obliterate some student loan debt or family medical bills. Or maybe even tickets to see Hamilton, although right now, my eyes are set on the revival of Carousel. But I digress: the $25,000.00 Prize would be a great help to most of our everyday lives!
But here’s something you absolutely must understand: TOMORROW is the very last day to get in to win this prize.
What does that mean for you? It means you’ve got to act now! Go to Everyday Life at once and visit the section that calls to you most to go for the big prize. Then be sure to do the same tomorrow! And while you’re there, hopefully you’ll pick up a few new tricks for your everyday life!
Will F.
PCH Creative
PS: How would you spend the FIRST-EVER Everyday Life Prize? Tell us in the comments section below!