8 Reasons to Enter Giveaway #8800

Greetings, fans and friends,
There’s been a lot of buzz lately about Giveaway #8800. After all, Giveaway #8800 is coming to an end, culminating with a guaranteed prize of $5,000 A Week “Forever” – $5,000 every week for your life, and after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone near and dear to you.
Given such an incredible payout, there have got to be 8,800 reasons to enter Giveaway #8800 … or at least 880 … and certainly 88 reasons to enter to win the February 23rd PCH SuperPrize.
But this being just a short blog post, here are 8 simple reasons to enter Giveaway #8800.
Reason #1: If you don’t enter you can’t win!
Duh! There’s no arguing that point!
Reason #2: Entering is FUN!
There are so many ways to enter to win Giveaway Number 8800 – from playing our FREE online games, to mailing back the entry forms you’ll find in our colorful bulletins, to entering by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-459-4724. You can even enter to win Gwy. #8800 by clicking the “Enter Now” button at the top right hand corner of this blog page.
Reason #3: You will be loved “forever” … if you win.
Imagine winning the “Forever” prize, and then telling someone you love you will be leaving them a legacy of $5,000 a week for their life. That’s certainly good reason for them to love you in return!
Reason #4: You’ll get out of debt!
Win $5,000 A Week “Forever” and you can tackle those bills with ease. Car loans? Paid! Tuition? Paid! Doctor bills? Paid! Phone bills … electric bills … water bills? ALL PAID!
Reason #5: You could live the good life if you become our next SuperPrize winner!
A luxury car … a trip to Hawaii … an in-ground swimming pool … you name it! If you enter and then win Giveaway 8800, those things that only “rich” people can afford could become yours! How would YOU spend your winnings?
Reason #6: Win, and you get to meet the Prize Patrol!
What a kick that would be to see the world-famous Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol at your front door, with balloons, roses, champagne and the “Big Check”. That’s exciting in itself – and I have to tell you, because I see them all the time here at PCH headquarters – they are the NICEST people!
Reason #7: Time is running out!
You could get rich FAST starting this February! That’s right: Giveaway No. 8800 will end in just a few weeks – and this “Forever” prize is guaranteed to be awarded! So if you really want to win $5,000 A Week “Forever,” you’ve got to enter every day in every way you can!
Reason #8: Because I said so.
Now, I have no authority whatsoever to help you win Publishers Clearing House … I’m just a middle-aged woman who writes a blog and other creative things here at PCH. But I know that PCH is real and PCH prizes are real, and I encourage you to enter Giveaway #8800 because I read your blog comments and I know how much you want to win!
So, there you go … 8 reasons to enter Giveaway #8800. Now it’s your turn … comment below and tell me YOUR 8 reasons for entering. I’ll bet we easily can get 8 pages of comments, or maybe even 88! That would be cool, wouldn’t it?
Enter now, and good luck!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Speaking of “luck,” our old pal Lucky the Big Check is featured on the blog this afternoon, asking our potential winners, “How would YOU spend me?” Check it out!