Giveaway #3080 – The PCH Giveaway That Keeps On Giving!

Last Updated: January 22, 2015

With Giveaway #3080 ending in just a few weeks, we thought we’d take a stroll down memory lane to look at some of the heart-pounding moments, tears, smiles and stories behind its many winners! There have been so many fantastic winning moments from this giveaway, it’s felt like a thrill a minute!

Our first winner from Giveaway #3080 goes back to November 2013 from the heartland of America, in Mountain Home, Idaho.

Here is winner Connie Kiesser’s winning moment!


As you can see, Connie’s whole family was surprised when Dave and the Prize Patrol came knocking in Idaho (a place we’ve already given prizes to many times, but we always welcome a return trip!). And like a lot of folks, the amazing $1 Million windfall came at just the right time!

Next up, Giveaway #3080 made John Kutz from Florida a One Million Dollar winner just a few days after Connie! Take a look!


You can see that the Prize Patrol won’t let anything stop them from delivering the prize – especially not a gate! As we always say, we’ll find our winner wherever they live, no matter what!

After that, James Walker and his wife Sandy got a $1,000,000 surprise from you guessed it – Giveaway #3080. Watch the winning moment below- you’ll feel like you’re really there!


It always makes us feel good when the first thing that comes out of a winner’s mouth is something like, “[this] will make the lives of our family members a whole lot better.” What a great guy!  When Todd asked James to give everyone else some advice, all James can say is, “Just keep trying. It does happen. I’m amazed!”

Penny Pompa was one who sure took that advice, and it paid off for her big time when she became Giveaway #3080’s next lucky winner!


Penny had just woken up when the Prize Patrol surprised her – and I’m sure seeing them with the Big Check felt like a dream!  I love her quote, “what are you talking about?” because it is such a real reaction! And then her emotional (and very thankful) reaction is so heartwarming. We’re so glad she entered so that we could deliver such a life-changing prize!

Up next is a winning moment from the great state of Washington, with big SuperPrize winner Neil Kroll!


Neil was pretty speechless, and how can you blame him?  Winning $1 Million would catch just about anyone off guard! In his town of Castle Rock, Neil is well known and everyone thinks highly of him. What a great guy to be able to give a big SuperPrize to!

Then Giveaway 3080 made another stop in Florida for our next winner Philip Daltas!


Right out of the door, Phil couldn’t believe it! You can see he almost doubts it is really happening! His son can hardly believe it too! And how hysterical was his phone call with his sister? Phil ends his winning moment with such a great sentiment – wanting to spend his winnings helping out his three sons…who he raised all on his own!

With Giveaway #3080 ending, it is amazing to see how many HUGE prizes we’ve awarded so far. It really has been the Giveaway that keeps on giving, and we’re so glad it gave SO MANY TIMES, because we got to award prizes to people who really need it!

And it’s not done giving just yet! You see, we really wanted to end Giveaway 3080 with a bang, so we’re awarding an amazing $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” prize this February 27th —GUARANTEED! That’s right, in just weeks, someone will definitely win $5,000 a week for their life, plus after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone they choose!

I hope you’ve enjoyed looking back at all of the winners from Giveaway #3080 with me! As you can see, they’ve all been wonderful folks with big hearts, humble attitudes, but most importantly, they had the persistence to keep on entering! So follow their advice and enter today, before we say goodbye to Givewaway #3080 for good! Who knows…it could mean saying HELLO to a fortune for you!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. Looking over the past year or so sure does bring back some memories! What are your own personal favorite memories from the past year? Tell us in the comments below!

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