Are You A Friend of PCH? Do It the Right Way!

Here at Publishers Clearing House, we’re a pretty friendly group. And over the years, I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have a number of my coworkers become my friends. And the same can be said for YOU! After all, we do it all for you! New games, creative contests, the SuperPrize, and more. It’s all done to make sure we can bring you – our friends – the best PCH experience possible.
In fact, I can’t think of another company in which the employees and fans have such a dynamic relationship. And while we call y’all our friends – and we really mean it – we must caution you not to accept any friend requests that look like they’re coming from someone at PCH. These requests come from scammers and they are not your friends!!! Real PCH friends know we won’t send you friends requests and that we see your friendship through your loyalty to the family of PCH sites, apps, and social media platforms like the PCH Fan Page on Facebook.

Here’s the thing (and yes, it pains me to say it) but scammers are smart. As much as PCH does to eliminate online threats, scammers keep thinking up new ways to potentially trick you. And we’re not cool with that! So, while you may get a rush of excitement when your inbox shows a friend request from Danielle Lam, Howie Guja, or any other PCH employee, we need you to remember that it’s a scammer impersonating us, and to decline the request and report it to us. Regardless of how real it seems, any apparent contact from a PCH employee is a SCAMMER and is completely and totally FAKE – so don’t fall for it!
And just in case you think you’re the only one being contacted by scammers, think again. It’s even happened to me! You see, scammers think we will fall for anything. Look at it this way – I write blogs about how PCHers will never send you a friend request and I work with Danielle, Howie, and Todd every day. Seriously – all three of them sit about 50 feet from me! I am the last person that can be fooled by scammers, but scammers don’t discriminate and will go after anyone.
Take it from me – an actual PCH employee and a real insider – don’t take the bait and never accept a friend request from a scammer pretending to be a PCHer.
Stay safe online, friends!
Russell S.
PCH Creative
P.S. Have you been contacted by a scammer imitating someone from PCH? Don’t just ignore it! Report it using PCH’s Fraud/Scam Incident Report. It’s fast and easy and helps. Put an end to scammers forever.
P.P.S. PCH’S The View Week is not over yet! The gang is back on today’s brand-new episode with more prizes to give away!