We asked … YOU TOLD US: All the Reasons You’d Like to Win Our Sweepstakes!

My blog friends, all I can say is, “WOW!” and “THANK YOU!” A recent blog asked you to tell us all the reasons you’d love to win a big PCH SuperPrize and we’ve been extremely interested to read your responses. You all had VERY specific, very personal, sometime surprising ideas about how you’d spend your prize if you won.
For the most part, you didn’t talk about using your prize money to buy luxurious mansions, designer cars, costly jewelry or any of the other things we think a millionaire would want. No, you talked about paying off debts, taking care of your loved ones, getting dental work done, making home repairs, giving to charity — all the things that wonderful real life people (like you!) could REALLY use a lot of extra money for.
For instance, Lyle D. writes that he’d use his winnings to “pay off student loans,” “set up my family for the rest of their lives,” and “take my wife to see the places that I had in the military.” Emmanual M. says he’d use the money to “help out friends” and to “orchestrate a family reunion.” Shi C. shares that it’d be great to “afford an amazing house for my fiancé.”
Melissa S., a subject of our “Blog Reader Spotlight,” writes “I’d like to take my parents on a much-needed vacation,” while Judy H. tells us that she’d like to win so that her husband could retire, and goes on to say she’d like to “pay off our taxes and bills and just be able to enjoy life.”
What really came shining through your responses were all the hopes and dreams and responsibilities that help you “keep the faith” and keep taking advantage of all the winning opportunities here at Publishers Clearing House. We’ve given away over 340 Million Dollars in PCH Prizes so far and that’s just for starters. We’d love for you to become our next big winner, because you deserve it.
(Speaking of big PCH Prizes, be sure to get in on a very exciting opportunity indeed: the chance to WIN $1,000 A Day For Life in our new Special Early Look prize event.
To quote a song from the musical, “Grease,” tell us more, TELL US MORE! Tell us more of the reasons you’d like to win a big PCH prize, including $1,000 A Day For Life. Hearing from you is our inspiration for bringing you more and even better ways to win, so be sure and share your thoughts in the Comments section below.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your unique and wonderful “winning thoughts” with us. We sincerely hope that we can help make your dreams come true.
All the best,
Publishers Clearing House