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I’ve been a PCHer for nearly ten years, working in both the Contest and Creative departments. I love learning about Publishers Clearing House history and creating content for both our sweepstakes and merchandise. I’m known for my interviews with recent winners, “Throwback Thursday” articles and movie recommendations for PCHSearch&Win.
Last Updated: May 20, 2020

Hello, Friends & Fans! Did you know that today is National Be A Millionaire Day? You might as well call it “National PCH Day,” because we’ve had so many millionaires made by Publishers Clearing House over the years! So, to commemorate this special day, the Prize Patrol has made this special video! Isn’t that great? […]

Last Updated: May 12, 2020

It’s May 12th, and the Prize Patrol is excited to award a big prize to a brand new winner! What’s the prize? It’s $46,470.00 to use towards a brand-new Lincoln Corsair Reserve So that means it’s time for another edition of “Clues From PCH”! We hope you entered in time, because we’re definitely having a […]

Last Updated: May 11, 2020

Hello, PCH Fans! Do you ever wish you could get a weekly reminder of all of our latest and greatest PCH Sweepstakes? Well your wishing is over, because every week, Prize Patroller extraordinaire Howie is here to help you! Everyone at PCH wants to make sure you know about all of our winning opportunities, so […]

Last Updated: April 30, 2020

Guess what, PCH fans? Someone is going to receive a real blessing today – could it be YOU? Today, Publishers Clearing House is going to surprise someone with one million dollars – and it’s really, truly happening! Of course, Prize Day is more fun when we provide you with our intriguing clues! So, without further […]

Last Updated: April 21, 2020

Hello friends and fans! What do you do when you’re stuck inside, and you don’t want to go to the grocery store … but you still want to eat something besides mac & cheese again? It’s time to use PCHSearch&Win to get some “out of the mac & cheese box” ideas! When you can’t go […]

Last Updated: April 6, 2020

The world has changed rapidly in the last 30 days, but perhaps no one has had as many unique changes as our PCH “Forever” Prize Winner, Marc F.! Not only has Marc had to make many of the same lifestyle changes we all have done lately (working from home and keeping social distances), but he […]

Last Updated: March 31, 2020

As our country adapts in this new era of heightened caution, we’re all coming together in concern for each other’s health and well-being. And as a Publishers Clearing House fan, you may be wondering how the PCH Prize Patrol will be sharing winning moments going forward. We recently explained that prize winners are still being […]

Last Updated: March 24, 2020

Hello, PCH Fans! While travel throughout much of the country is slowing down, we thought we might take a look back at some of our most favorite PCH Prize Patrol winning moments! We went back into the archives to see what Dave Sayer, one of our PCH Prize Patrol founders, had to say, and we […]

Last Updated: March 16, 2020

Our commercials are on the air as I type this, and I’m sure many people out there are using their favorite search engine to ask “are PCH winners real?” As the commercials play, you see crazy reactions, you hear the screams and gasps. I don’t blame people for wondering if these hysterics are all for […]

Last Updated: March 9, 2020

Were you born between the years of 1946 and 1964? Then you’re a part of the famous “Baby Boomer” generation! You probably know that “Boomers” make up a significant portion of the United States population – a staggering 20%! As more and more of this generation comes of certain age, they’re beginning to think about […]