Behind the Scenes at PCH: Meet My PCH Neighbor – Maria

To tell you the truth, while preparing this Blog, I got to really chat with Maria for the first time myself! And while I write copy for the Sweeps packages PCH has been mailing for years — Maria on the other hand is a Senior Copywriter who helps create the excitement at our cool online sites. I asked her to tell us about what her typical PCH workday was like. As it turns out, “typical” had very little to do with it!
Maria told me: “I am responsible for creating copy and brainstorming with our graphic designers to create emails for PCHfrontpage, PCHgames, PCHSearch&Win and more. I love writing headlines and subject lines for our emails and coming up with new ways to engage the people who receive them.”
Wow, Maria … they keep you pretty busy here at The Clearing House!
Maria’s favorite thing about working here? “The people at PCH! One of the nicest bunch I have ever met.” I agree with Maria: throughout all the years I’ve been a PCHer, the best part of my job has been working with the kindest, friendliest, funniest, most energetic, creative people ever.
Whether we work on PCH’s online sites (like Maria) or put our famous Bulletins in the mail (like me), we all share a common goal here: getting wonderful folks like YOU to enter our Sweeps and WIN. That’s what knocks it out of the park for every one of us.
Back to Maria! It sounds like her life outside Publishers Clearing House is plenty busy too:
“I’m a wife, a Mom, a dog lover, and lately, a world traveler: I went to Italy for the first time this month – Florence is my new favorite city. I love the theater, and I’ve published a book: a humorous memoir about being the only girl growing up with 6 brothers. (Lucky I survived!)”
Maria’s creative talent and her warm, funny personality has made her a big hit here at Publishers Clearing House. And I’m really glad I got to know her a little better by writing this blog. All in all, she is a very “typical” PCHer: 100% awesome!
Thanks for reading,
Marybeth H.
PCH Creative