Blog Reader Spotlight: Melissa S. Loves to Enter the PCH Sweeps!

Greetings, and welcome to another exciting Blog Reader Spotlight!
Today we feature a true PCH fan and friend who loves to enter the PCH Sweeps and really enjoys reading the blog – drumroll, please! – Melissa S.!
Recently, here on the PCH Blog, Melissa, who lives in Washington State, commented on 15 reasons she’d like to win $15 Million in our Summer Prize Event. Among her reasons she included retiring early (even if she is only 25 years old!); spending more time with her mom who, unfortunately, is suffering from cancer; taking her parents on a much-needed vacation; planning and paying for her wedding; and sharing the wealth with her four sisters.
“Overall, most of the reasons I would like to win $15 million aren’t for the money itself,” she added, “but for the financial stability it would provide me in order to spend TIME with the people who provide the most value to my life and to spend TIME making changes that will positively improve my life and the people around me.”
When it comes to PCH prizes, Melissa is certainly in it to win it. She tells me her favorite way to enter the Sweeps is through the PCH phone app (android) (iPhone). “I do also enter online on the website but I feel like the app is super-easy and convenient to use,” she says.
She’s also taken advantage of the opportunities to enter through PCHSearch&Win. Plus, she says she really likes PCH’s instant win games such as Dunk Tank and Cornhole.
Melissa tries to enter the PCH Sweeps every day. She wants everyone to know that “it takes only minutes out of your day and it’s pretty fun!’
Although she hasn’t yet won a PCH prize, she says it doesn’t keep her from trying. “I’m hoping to win the SuperPrize at the end of the month (even if it’s the second chance drawing)!” she says.
Melissa enjoys keeping up with previous winners and learning a little bit about new winners – and that’s why she likes reading the PCH Blog. The blog also allows her to learn new fun ways to enter the Sweepstakes.
“And I LOVE following along with the clues during the special early look prize events,” she adds.
Melissa’s favorite types of blog posts are the ones she can relate to. “It’s interesting when the blog authors post tidbits about their personal lives or things they have experienced while working at PCH. You really feel like you get to know the employees at PCH,” she says.
I asked Melissa, “When you comment on the blog, what do you hope our blog readers will feel?” and her answer was truly inspirational:
“I hope the blog readers feel inspired to better their lives and the ones around them. Everyone has bad days but one person’s compassion (even if you don’t know them personally) can really alter how someone else’s mood, which will affect how their day plays out.”
Thank you so much, Melissa, for being a loyal PCH Blog reader, and a fabulous PCH fan and friend! I’m sure you’ve inspired our blog readers with your enthusiasm and positivity!
Keep on entering, everyone, and enjoy the blog!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Do you enjoy entering the PCH Sweeps? Do you share Melissa’s positive attitude? Then let us know in the comments section below. Feel free to cheer your fellow blog readers on anytime, and maybe next month you could see yourself in the “PCH Blog Reader Spotlight”!