Cash Windfall for PCH $1 Million SuperPrize Winner in Washington!

Last Updated: July 2, 2014

June 30th, a day the PCH Prize Patrol had been anticipating for months finally arrived!  When I found out we had a winner in Washington State near Mount St. Helen’s, I was thrilled since I’ve never been there. But would that excitement translate to a smooth prize delivery? As you’ll see, we experienced some bumps in the road during this Washington winning moment.

The day began at the local flower shop, The Flower Pot in Castle Rock, Washington, where the owner and employees (it’s a family business!) laughed and screamed when they saw what we were there for!  One person said “I’ve seen it on TV but wasn’t sure if it was real…now I know it is. I use the PCHVIP app every day! I could have stayed there chatting with them for hours, but we had a job to do – an important…exciting job!!!

PCH Prize Patrol at florist

From there, we drove to surprise the winner nearby, fingers crossed that he would be home.  When we arrived at the winner’s house there was a woman working in the garden. We soon found out that she was a friend of the winner and that he wasn’t home (gasp)!  Luckily his friend kept a good secret and found out that Neil wouldn’t be home for 3 hours or so.

Some may think we would be upset about the hold up, but we were more than happy to explore the local neighborhood and enjoy the beautiful Castle Rock scenery – Mount St. Helen’s included!  And as Dan-Yellers know by now, I love to have fun so we hit up an arcade too.

Danyeller PCH Danielle Lam

Almost 3 hours later, we returned to the winner’s home, and with just a few knocks on the door, Neil Kroll got surprise of a lifetime – the PCH Prize Patrol with a “Big Check” for $1 MILLION! Neil’s reaction may not be what fans would expect. There was no screaming or crying…but wow was he SHOCKED! He was so stunned that he was speechless.

PCH $1 Million SuperPrize Winner

Watch Neil’s winning moment here:


PCH Prize Patrol with Neil Kroll Washington Winner

Fans always want to know what winners plan on doing with the money…and this $1 Million SuperPrize winner certainly will not disappoint! When asked what his plan was with his new cash windfall, he said “If the Lord allows you to win something like this … then there is a reason. The first thing that came to Neil’s mind was his favorite charity, ICC (International Child Care), a Christian health development organization. He also wants to help his church.  I personally was touched to see that his first reaction was helping others!

PCH Prize Patrol with Winner in Washington

So as you see, dreams really can come true! So if you want the chance at an amazing cash windfall for yourself, be sure to enter our NEXT big SuperPrize event at I think you’ll be happy to see that the huge $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” Prize is back! Remember, if you win “Forever,” you’d receive $5,000 a week for your life, plus after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone you choose. Incredible, right?

So enter today, and who knows, you could be seeing me at YOUR door with a “Big Check” one day! What kind of SuperPrize winner do you think YOU would be? A screamer? A Crier? A fainter (gasp)?  Comment below and let me know! I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Xoxoxo <3

Danielle Lam

PCH Prize Patrol Elite

Follow me on my Danielle Lam PCH Prize Patrol Page on Facebook

And my pchprizepatroldanielle page on Instagram

PS:  We filmed a VERY special behind the scenes video of this exciting prize. You’ll see everything from when we found out the winner, to our trip home!  Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for the final video. I can’t wait for you all to see it!

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