Check Out The NEW PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page On Facebook!

Hey Blog Readers,
If you’re a Dan-yeller, in the Todd Squad or a devoted Daveinator I’ve got some great news! Your favorite Prize Patrollers are joining forces and combining their Fan Pages on Facebook, so now you can connect with them all in one place — on the PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page!
Isn’t that exciting? Now instead of visiting all three pages you can go to just one to get all those Prize Day Clues you love, “what’s happening” updates and more! Plus, having one PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page on Facebook helps you stay safe because you’ll know that if someone reaches out to you as Danielle Lam, Todd Sloane or Dave Sayer — it’s a scam — they don’t even have their own pages! And, as you know, PCH never ever sends friend requests on Facebook!
But that’s not the only good news — with one PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page, we’ll be able to update everyone with key prize event details and behind the scenes action that fans of just Dave, just Todd or just Danielle may have missed. And you’ll be able to tell the Prize Patrol exactly what you think, all at once!
Like just recently, when we posted our Welcome Message:

So many fans commented on how happy they were to see The PCH Prize Patrol all in one place and sent encouraging messages like: “love it,” “come visit me,” and “yay, jazz hands!” If we kept all three pages, you guys would need to write your messages over, and over, and over — THREE times! Who wants to do that?!?
Think about the time we’ve just saved you by having one Prize Patrol page! And you know what you could be doing with that time, right?!? Entering to win our giveaways! And imagine… MAYBE you’d win with that free time and see the Prize Patrol at your door. Then, if your picture got posted on our one, new PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page, you wouldn’t have to send your relatives and friends all over to see it — wouldn’t that be AWESOME?!?
Now that we’ve got one page, your love of the PCH Prize Patrol is so easy to share! Tell your friends and family to “Like” the one and only PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page on Facebook, remind them to get in on our giveaways and who knows — you could be seeing their faces on our page someday, too!
So, tell me what you think of the new PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page on Facebook below! If you’ve already liked Todd, Dave or Danielle’s pages, you should already have the “Liked” button pressed for this one, too but if not, please make sure you “like” the page to get updates! And of course, please spread the word and let the world know that you love seeing posts from The PCH Prize Patrol!
Laurel U.
PCH Creative